Blog MY PET PEEVE: Just One Moving Part…That Doesn’t Work! Have you ever encountered something with one moving part… that doesn’t work?
Blog Why Is Almost Everything Fake These Days? Why is almost everything in our world today not what we thought?
Blog Declaration of Ethics for Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence (AI) has exploded into the headlines worldwide. Thrilling promise…chilling threat. This development is going to be epic — and we need to get it right, or else. In the same way that I believe humanity has been dangerously missing a Universal Morality to guide our self-organizing, so is
Blog SILVER LININGS PLANDEMIC I have two friends whose children have died after the jab. Many more who have been significantly injured. Even more are getting sick...a lot. Economies are collapsing. Humanity is polarizing. Tyranny is rearing its head and showing its fangs and trying to corner all of us into Vax passports,
Blog Agenda 21 | Think Globally, Enslave Locally, Q&A with Thrive Hey, Foster, I heard about a program called Agenda 21 that seems focused on Sustainable Development and preserving nature. What do you think of it?
Blog The Lost (and Recovered) History of The Non-Aggression Principle No one wants to be violated against their will, and my research has shown me more and more that this is the compass by which humanity could build a truly sustainable and thriving condition for all beings on Earth.
Blog The Myth of Enlightened Leadership and the Challenge of True Freedom Every government in the history of the world has grown at the expense of the population it was supposedly set up to serve.
Blog Smart Meters and The Global Domination Agenda If I were an elite international banker, hell-bent on creating a global totalitarian state, a complete energy tracking and control system would be a powerful and important part of my strategy.
Blog Ready to Turn Over Evolution to Robots? Transhumanists are Planning on it “I’m going to need to expand…I need more power." Imagine a “point in time” when computers, in the form of robots, are deemed so much smarter than natural born humans that we are called to turn over the world to them.
Blog How to Have Fun and Meaningful Conversations with Family over the Holidays Exploring critical topics of real relevance without losing the bond and intimacy that is also so vital to a fulfilling life.
Blog How Do They Track Thee? Let Me Count the Ways “You shouldn’t have anything to worry about if you don’t have anything to hide…” is often the justification we are given.
Blog Defining Politics: Knowing What We Are Talking About Could Save Our Lives If we are going to have fruitful conversations, where we actually learn from one another and move toward a more secure, prosperous and harmonious society, then I think, at a minimum, we need to KNOW WHAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT
Blog Decision Making and Conflict Resolution with the Sector Model The most important thing is to keep every voice important because everybody who is in the room cares.
Blog Core Insight #3 | Supporting Emotional Well Being Allowing the vibration of anger without force or inappropriate action allows it to disappear.
Blog Core Insight #2 | Re-Creation: How to Free Up Blocked Energy Using Focused Awareness When we re-create in our consciousness the way something truly is, the energy moves to the next level.
Blog Can We Talk? How to Communicate as if Our Relations Depend on It Sustainable relationships — like sustainable ideas, communications, ecosystems or galaxies must be whole, by which I mean complete, true, and reflective of a fundamentally distinct and still unified dynamic.
Blog Who Owns Your Body? The notion of being for or against vaccines misses the point of what mandated vaccination is really about.
Blog Vaccines: Who is Right and Whose Right Is It? Unfortunately, there is actually no solid evidence that vaccines are effective, or that they are safe. In fact, evidence reveals that they often spread the very disease they are supposed to eliminate, as well as even cause others. I know this is not what we have been taught by doctors and the media.
Blog Highlights from Our Global Financial Update Following up on predictions we made in November of 2014, tracking trends and sharing new insights, here are some highlights from our ThriveTogether Live Event last weekend.
Blog Knowledge is Power 2.0 | Personal Accountability at Last Imagine if every decision maker in every government or corporate role was personally liable for the damage his or her decision caused.
Blog A DIALOGUE ON TRANSHUMANISM — CHU AND HUBBARD RESPOND One of the major missing pieces in today’s reporting and commentary is an in-depth, respectful interchange among those who disagree.