Freedom Portal Archive TRUTH AND NATURAL LAW SHOW US THE WAY Mark Passio is one of the world’s leading experts on what is actually going on in the world—beyond the propaganda and coercion.
Freedom Portal Archive THE POWER OF COLLABORATION: Whole Systems Organizing Gets It Done A small community in Southern California found how to organize effectively, and they completely changed the minds of their city council, resulting in the complete removal of unjust mandates.
Movies THRIVE 11TH ANNIVERSARY WATCH PARTY: With Live Intro and Q&A with Foster and Kimberly Gamble Join us on this 11th anniversary of the release of THRIVE I. Foster and Kimberly Gamble will be with us live, as they share their thoughts before showing the “Director’s Cut” version of the film that over 90 million people have watched.
Freedom Portal Archive THE GLOBAL DOMINATION AGENDA, AI AND THE FUTURE OF POWER In this special 2-hour exploration, Foster dives deep with one of the world’s most advanced thinkers, Rajiv Malhotra.
Blog SILVER LININGS PLANDEMIC I have two friends whose children have died after the jab. Many more who have been significantly injured. Even more are getting sick...a lot. Economies are collapsing. Humanity is polarizing. Tyranny is rearing its head and showing its fangs and trying to corner all of us into Vax passports,
Freedom Portal Archive THE STRUGGLE FOR TRUTH MEDIA: Overcoming Fake News and Censorship Ben has seen it all from mainstream to independent media. He has established a reputation for depth, accuracy and courage in the face of suppression.
Freedom Portal Archive SCANNING THE HISTORY OF MEDIA: Tools for Connection, Control or Liberation From smoke signals to town criers, from pony express to the telegraph, and from telephones to the Internet, Tesla Towers and the Metaverse, humans have kept improving their means of connecting with each other.
Freedom Portal Archive FROM GLOBALIST TYRANNY TO A THRIVING ECONOMY - Catherine Austin Fitts When the sword of truth cuts away deceptions, what is revealed about the risks and rewards of crypto, precious metals, secret governments, and the control grid?
Freedom Portal Archive THE SHOCKING AND LIBERATING TRUTH ABOUT ECONOMICS The idea of controlling an economy has moved from monarchy to dictatorship to communism to fascism to Keynesianism and finally to the true light of freedom at the end of the tunnel — Austrian economics and a truly voluntary, stateless society, based on the non-aggression principle.
Blog Featured List of Top Trusted News Sources This list is a compilation of trusted news sources nominated by the community and reviewed by Foster.
Freedom Portal Archive EDUCATION - FROM TYRANNY TO LIBERATION: Means, Motive and Opportunity How did education become schooling and learning become indoctrination?Foster is joined by Richard Grove to lay out how we got here and how we can re-imagine education to liberate our bodies, minds and souls.
Freedom Portal Archive Benefitting from Tech without Becoming Slaves to Technocracy TECHNOCRACY RISING author Patrick Wood joins Foster in the Freedom Portal to explore the dangers of the current attempted technocratic takeover and what we can do about it.
Freedom Portal Archive BE PREPARED – For the Long Haul How do we make sure we’re as ready as we can be for what’s coming our way – both physically and digitally?
Freedom Portal Archive BE WELL — We’re In This for the Long Haul Let’s cover the bases and dive deep into what it takes to truly thrive in these challenging times — physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
Freedom Portal Archive Healing from Satanic Ritual Abuse Like Cathy O’Brien, Serena’s story shows, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that we all have within us the courage and capability to restore our soul connection and become a beacon of love in the world.
Freedom Portal Archive DYSTOPIA DOWN UNDER: UP-TO-DATE REPORTS FROM THE FRONT LINE RESPONSE IN AUSTRALIA The State of Victoria, and especially Melbourne, is the leading edge of New World Order martial law and front line freedom fighters.
Freedom Portal Archive Cathy O’Brien with Foster Gamble Surviving and Thriving beyond MK Ultra Child Abuse Cathy O’Brien, author of TRANCE FORMATION OF AMERICA, visits the Freedom Portal to share her inspiring story of being rescued and healing from the most horrific MK Ultra Mind Control and White House level Satanic Ritual Abuse.
Freedom Portal Archive Foster Goes 7 Levels Deep on the Horrific Truth of Child Trafficking It is a painful subject, but it is important to understand the scale at which it’s happening, how it relates to the global domination agenda and most importantly how we can end it and bring healing.
Freedom Portal Archive THRIVORS South Africa enter the Freedom Portal with Foster Three committed visionaries are about to launch a reality TV series on what it takes to truly flourish.
Freedom Portal Archive The Role of False Flags in the Agenda for Global Domination If you still think you are living in a world with no nefarious intent and no conspiracy… where governments, banks and mega corporations are making things better, then you will listen to this at great peril to your worldview.
Freedom Portal Archive DEEP TRUTH ON 9/11: The Real Scheme and Science with Special Guest David Icke Foster wanted to blow the lid off this most notorious of false flag events once and for all, so he reached out to the researcher he considers most deeply informed about the scheme and the science for this 20th anniversary expose.
Freedom Portal Archive COLLECTIVE EVOLUTION MEETS THRIVE Joe Martino and Foster dive deep on Consciousness, Conspiracy, Censorship, Solutions and more…
Freedom Portal Archive What’s the Ultimate Solution to so-called “Illegal Migration?” With millions pouring across the US/Mexico border - expecting housing, food, education and healthcare from already broke local governments - Foster goes 7 Levels Deep on this supposedly intractable problem.
Freedom Portal Archive Election Fraud Evidence of election rigging has been revealed throughout the world for over a century. Recently we’ve seen an unprecedented scale of vote-rigging in the US.
Freedom Portal Archive TAXATION: THE MOST IMPORTANT TOPIC NOBODY WANTS TO DISCUSS Foster sits down with financial expert, actor, comedian Dominic Frisby for a discussion on how the role of taxation could be handled in a future thriving world. There has never been a civilization without taxes.