Blog SILVER LININGS PLANDEMIC I have two friends whose children have died after the jab. Many more who have been significantly injured. Even more are getting sick...a lot. Economies are collapsing. Humanity is polarizing. Tyranny is rearing its head and showing its fangs and trying to corner all of us into Vax passports,
Blog The Aikido of Intimacy Each day, each interaction is an experiment showing us what works and what doesn’t.
Blog Spirituality: The Direct Experience The spiritual essence of the big religions has often been stripped away by financial and political forces to turn the “flock” into blind followers rather than free and independent sources of wisdom and love.
Blog Redefining School and Reclaiming Our Lives: How to Create Real Opportunities for Meaningful Education We’re promoting a radical shift in education. Ultimately we want to create a society where each individual is free to pursue the type of education that most appeals to his or her passion, need, and learning style to promote critical thinking and creative expression.
Blog How to Have Fun and Meaningful Conversations with Family over the Holidays Exploring critical topics of real relevance without losing the bond and intimacy that is also so vital to a fulfilling life.
Blog Core Insight #4 | Who Are You, Really? What is this witness that has remained through all of the ups and downs of your experience?
Blog Core Insight #2 | Re-Creation: How to Free Up Blocked Energy Using Focused Awareness When we re-create in our consciousness the way something truly is, the energy moves to the next level.
Blog Core Insight #1 | Exploring Your Purpose Knowing that the torus energy pattern surrounds all living things, it dawned on me that each of these categories are aspects of the toroidal energy cycle.
Blog Featured For All to Thrive, a Poem I was inspired to write a poem on what it would take for all of us to thrive — and I wanted to share it with you. Enjoy!
Blog The Torus, Politics, and You The next phase in evolution actually requires our conscious participation. It’s a heavy-duty moment in history, but, man, what a moment to be alive, to be able to participate in making that kind of difference!