Freedom Portal Archive How Have We Arrived at our Worldviews...and Why Do They Matter? The way we interpret reality shapes our every action, in every Sector, so Worldview might be the most important facet of human activity. Who are we really? What are we here for?
Freedom Portal Archive Environmental Destruction and the Hoodwinking of Environmentalists If we don’t understand what is really going on, we will continue to be robbed, controlled and sickened by those who intentionally destroy the wholeness of natural systems. Let’s go 7 levels deep to find the truth and the solutions.
Freedom Portal Archive SCANNING THE HISTORY OF MEDIA: Tools for Connection, Control or Liberation From smoke signals to town criers, from pony express to the telegraph, and from telephones to the Internet, Tesla Towers and the Metaverse, humans have kept improving their means of connecting with each other.
Freedom Portal Archive THE SHOCKING AND LIBERATING TRUTH ABOUT ECONOMICS The idea of controlling an economy has moved from monarchy to dictatorship to communism to fascism to Keynesianism and finally to the true light of freedom at the end of the tunnel — Austrian economics and a truly voluntary, stateless society, based on the non-aggression principle.
Freedom Portal Archive EDUCATION - FROM TYRANNY TO LIBERATION: Means, Motive and Opportunity How did education become schooling and learning become indoctrination?Foster is joined by Richard Grove to lay out how we got here and how we can re-imagine education to liberate our bodies, minds and souls.
Freedom Portal Archive Liberation from the Mind Traps in the way of a Stateless Society Are voluntaryists heartless narcissists or the way-showers for a thriving society? Foster believes this is the most important topic for the future of humanity and that’s why he’s writing a book about it.
Freedom Portal Archive Deep Dive into the Unified Field Theory and Its Applications Foster goes “7 Levels Deep” into an illustrated layperson’s version of the key insights that are completing Einstein’s quest and fulfilling on game-changing breakthroughs in Energy, Health, Consciousness, and Ethics.
Freedom Portal Archive EXPLORE THE THRIVE SOLUTIONS HUB The Thrive Solutions Hub is in beta mode, already engaging groups and individuals to share resources and collaborate more effectively.
Freedom Portal Archive Foster Goes 7 Levels Deep on the Horrific Truth of Child Trafficking It is a painful subject, but it is important to understand the scale at which it’s happening, how it relates to the global domination agenda and most importantly how we can end it and bring healing.
Freedom Portal Archive The Role of False Flags in the Agenda for Global Domination If you still think you are living in a world with no nefarious intent and no conspiracy… where governments, banks and mega corporations are making things better, then you will listen to this at great peril to your worldview.
Freedom Portal Archive What’s the Ultimate Solution to so-called “Illegal Migration?” With millions pouring across the US/Mexico border - expecting housing, food, education and healthcare from already broke local governments - Foster goes 7 Levels Deep on this supposedly intractable problem.
Freedom Portal Archive Election Fraud Evidence of election rigging has been revealed throughout the world for over a century. Recently we’ve seen an unprecedented scale of vote-rigging in the US.
Freedom Portal Archive How THRIVE Employs the Arts to Deepen the Impact of our Message Arts and politics have gone hand in hand for centuries. We explore the history and strategies of using the arts to promote freedom.
Freedom Portal Archive THE ROLE OF MONEY IN TYRANNY AND FREEDOM Foster goes 7 Levels Deep and connects the dots on what we need to know about currencies, fiat, crypto, taxation, inflation, free market, metals, cashless, banking and more.
Freedom Portal Archive Unveiling Truth about CONSPIRACY – Before It’s Too Late. Foster Gamble has been solving the mystery of the Global Domination Agenda for over 30 years. After consuming more than 850 related books along with thousands of articles, videos and in-person conversations with the world’s leading experts, what has he found of which he is certain?
Freedom Portal Archive Health Freedom Part I: Where Artificial Intelligence, Bio-Data, and the 4th Industrial Revolution Collide Healthcare innovation is growing exponentially, bringing unprecedented levels of customized care along with the enhanced capacity for surveillance and control. What’s possible? And what’s at stake?
Freedom Portal Archive A Truly Free and Stateless Society: Has it Ever Worked? How Could it Work? How Do We Get from Here to There? Part 1 Is there any evidence we can point to our ability to abide by rules, without rulers? We recount key examples that consistently show the benefits of political and economic freedom, and discuss how we could transition from where we are to a stateless society.
Freedom Portal Archive Keys for Having Successful Conversations Over the Holidays - and Beyond. Kimberly and Foster break down their communication strategies to help us all optimize our ability to maintain relations across divergent worldviews.
Freedom Portal Archive COVID Confusion Prepare to dive 7 Levels Deep as we cover everything from real dangers to fraudulent agendas. We unpack the truth behind masks, lockdowns, economic collapse, and mandatory vaccination and explore ways we can reclaim our health, freedom and prosperity.
Freedom Portal Archive U.S. Elections Through the THRIVE Lens In this inaugural episode, Foster dives deep into the divisive U.S. Election chaos, dismantling the disinformation, and sharing perspectives you won't hear anywhere else.
Freedom Portal Archive Introduction to the Freedom Portal with Foster Gamble This special, 2-hour introductory session offers a preview of the FREEDOM PORTAL experience enjoyed by ThriveOn Subscribers.