Top Ten Actions
Check out what you can do to help!

By Kimberly Carter Gamble

Recently a friend came to visit and asked, “Given that meditating is such a big part of your life, why didn’t you include it in your THRIVE list of Top 10 Actions?” I sat a minute and realized, “I guess I just took it for granted!” Finding a way to be still inside, to quiet my mind and listen from my heart, is so basic to my life that I simply overlooked mentioning it!
So I would like to add a Step 0 to THRIVE’s Top Ten Actions:
0. Find Your Way to Stillness.
For me, finding stillness is the most fundamental step for any kind of world changing, or self-changing, endeavor. Without it, there’s no landing place for what I think of as trans-rational guidance, and no wellspring of clarity from which to act. For me, trans-rational is not irrational — it simply goes beyond my rational mind.
When I find stillness, and engage from a place beyond my rational mind, I invite the Universe to show up as the partner it’s designed to be. Intuition, creativity, clarity, and courage…they all come from this quiet place. Not quiet as in not talking, but deeply quiet, where the rational mind is disengaged while I am still alert and fully present.
I don’t think it matters how you get to this place, as long as it does not depend on being substance-induced, and it becomes a regular practice. I imagine there are as many ways to find stillness as there are people seeking it. Sitting, praying, drumming, dancing, walking…Whatever brings you to your gratitude.

When I started meditating, it initially took awhile for me to still my busy mind. I got a tape from The Monroe Institute with a binaural sound beat that helped me establish a frame of reference that I then learned how to get to on my own. The idea is that the slightly different beat in each ear (binaural) inclines the hemispheres of the brain to get in synch, and from there a relaxed portal is opened from which to access other dimensions, and an alert state of stillness. It is the same technique used in shamanic rituals, where a slightly different frequency is played on either side of someone’s head as they go into trance.
Researchers say it generally takes about 20 minutes for a different state of stillness to kick in. I think when you intentionally set aside the time for this, the Universe helps reveal the process that’s best for you. I believe this is because there is an infinite field of wisdom, grace and telepathy that needs you — needs each of us — in order to fulfill its purpose, as we need it to fulfill our own.
In meditation, our brainwaves tend to slow down to the “alpha-theta bridge”. It’s about 7.8 cycles per second, which is in harmony with the Earth’s pulse, what’s called the Schumann’s Resonance. When we get ourselves to this place and stay alert instead of drifting into sleep, we create an opening — a bridge between receiving and intending, between intuition and intellect. It is this opening that allows guidance to come through. By reducing the noise we can better hear the signal.
Once you experience it, there’s no mistaking the peace. Deep stillness is like a cosmic orgasm, connecting us to all realms of life, hovering, shimmering and blissful. And like any orgasm, once it happens, you don’t have to wonder whether or not you’ve experienced it!
Finding inner stillness doesn’t just make us healthier, less stressed, happier and more resilient. It enables us to know our true selves, outside of our beliefs and feelings, outside of our own and others’ projections. It frees us to be who we are meant to be, and to know who that is (as well as who it isn’t).
Personal clarity, a sense of purpose and a feeling of deep connection are the foundations for effective action. Being still provides access to a boundlessly compassionate and creative source, and allows us to access solutions that we can then use our intellects and personal capacities to make manifest. It’s a co-creative adventure.

When Foster and I came up with the Top Ten Actions for THRIVE, we were looking to help people have a succinct list of meaningful ways to engage in solving critical problems. We saw so many well-intentioned people pouring themselves into efforts that were intrinsically insufficient or off-target.
We focused our list a lot on economic actions — divesting from banks who are underwriting the corporate destruction, paying attention to what your investments are funding, exposing and getting rid of the Federal Reserve, etc.
Those are leveraged actions. We get a lot of bang for our buck with actions like that, because they address the root of the problem, which is an intrinsically-corrupt, coercively imposed economic and authoritarian control system. But to get to the heart of the problem, we have to open our own hearts and learn to hold the outrage and angst of the agony all around us, and the turmoil within us, with the true inner knowing that we are not alone. We have remarkable spiritual allies who are counting on us to wake up and engage them along with our brilliant selves on behalf of the healing.
Not only does finding this inner quiet help us to be personally more present and capable, it amplifies among those who engage from this place. Like guitars being tuned in a room together, each finds the other to tune to, in resonance. It’s the same with people. Some researchers have proposed that a meditating group is able to increase coherence and decrease stress in the collective consciousness of a community by permeating the atmosphere and synchronizing their alpha and theta brain waves. In a review of various research conducted on city, state, national, and international levels, fifteen published studies showed strong evidence that group meditation was able to reduce crime rates.
I invite you to find a quiet place from which to access the bounty of inner peace, insight and effective action from which to engage the huge and ongoing challenge of creating a world where everyone truly has a chance to thrive.
And let us know how it’s going!
- Deepak Chopra and some others have organized a synchronized Global Meditation for Peace this coming August 8, 2014 starting at 12 PM EST.
- How meditation affects your brain
- Study shows the effects on the brain — even when not meditating
- Meditation causes changes in gray matter of the brain
- Mindfulness practices improve your health
- Foster Gamble on the dynamics of Meditation
- Meditators collapse quantum systems at a distance
Source for above: - Consciousness and the double-slit interference pattern: Six experiments Physics Essays
- How meditation can heal the world
- Meditation Can Reduce Crime Rates
- Can meditation change the world — more on the Maharishi effect
Sources for above article: - Preventing Crime Through the Maharishi Effect Journal of Offender Rehabilitation
- Maharishi Effect Maharishi’s Programmes
- The Maharishi Effect: A model for social improvement Psychology, Crime & Law
- Effect on War Permanent Peace
- The Monroe Institute
- From Stress to Stillness: Tools for Inner Peace by Gina Lake
- HeartMath
- Schumann Resonance
- liquidbuddha.studios

Get Informed
The global elite have been able to gain and maintain control in crucial areas of our lives because most people are unaware of their agenda. If you learn more about what’s really going on, you can figure out how to respond more effectively.
Here are some resources to help you get informed:
Resource Tree: You can find hundreds of resources in the sectors and topics that interest you most.
Foster & Kimberly’s Blog: Get Foster & Kimberly’s analysis of key current events.
Recommended News Feeds: Check out Foster’s news recommendations.
Speak Up
I’d rather get over my fear of what someone might think of me than ignore something that could change the quality of life on this planet for everyone.
- Kimberly Carter Gamble
You can help seed new ideas and have relevant and impactful discussions by sharing the information in Thrive with your friends, families, and networks.
The conversation may not always be easy, but it’s not likely to be dull!
Here are some resources to help get the conversations going:
Conversation Starters: These provide basic facts and thought-provoking questions on a range of critical issues and interesting topics.
Connect with Others
We anticipate that an electronic network of support will emerge to connect informed people all around the world, creating a “network of networks.” Currently, no website offers that, but if you’d like to connect with others who are interested in Thrive, you can:
Join us on Facebook.
Follow Foster Gamble’s Blog and join the online discussions.
Look up Thrive Screening Events in Your Area to meet with others face-to-face.

Align your money with your values.
Centralized banks are the main funders of environmentally harmful industries such as nuclear, coal, and clear cutting logging companies. They are also responsible for the most recent economic collapse that caused people around the world to lose their homes, their jobs, and their retirements. They use customer’s deposits to make these destructive loans. Are these the projects you want to keep supporting with your deposits? If not, then pull your money out of centralized banks and find a community bank or credit union that invests in good local community projects.
If you bank at one of the following banks — aka the “Tapeworm 20” — we recommend pulling your money out immediately and finding a better alternative.
- Bank of America, US
- JP Morgan Chase & Co., US
- HSBC Holdings, UK
- Citigroup, US
- Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Japan
- Industrial and Commercial Bank
- Wells Fargo & Co., US
- China Construction Bank Corporation, China
- Bank of China, China
- Royal Bank of Scotland, UK
- BNP Paribas, France
- Barclays, UK
- Banco Santander, Spain
- Agricultural Bank of China, China
- Credit Agricole, France
- Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Japan
- Mizuho Financial Group, Japan
- Lloyds Banking Group, UK
- Goldman Sachs, US
- UniCredit, Italy
A 3 Step-Guide to Move Your Money to a Local Bank:
1) Gather a list of local banks and credit unions.
You can usually come up with a list by calling your Chamber of Commerce, contacting a local credit union and asking about other local banks, or by using the yellow pages. Facebook and other friend-based social networks can help you learn which banks are best. Many local Banks and Credit Unions will also help you distinguish the real local establishments from those simply trying to sound community-based.
Don’t be fooled by the name…Union Bank of California is owned by Mitsubishi in Japan and funds some of the most destructive logging ventures on the planet.
if you live in the U.S., you can also enter your zipcode here to find local banks in your area. Another useful resource is
2) Evaluate the banks by calling around and visiting their websites.
The first and most important questions you want to ask are:
- What percentage of your money is loaned locally? (The more, the better)
- Are you owned by a bigger bank or do you intend to be bought-out? (If so, find a different bank)
- Are you FDIC insured? (Never put more than $250,000 in one bank)
3) Consider your own needs and what the bank offers to make your final selection. Is the bank doing what you care about and offering services that are important to you?
Some things you may want to consider:
- Does the bank have a good reputation in the community?
- Is the bank committed to supporting local businesses, environmental stewardship, social and economic equality, and other values of particular importance to you?
- Are employees at the bank paid well, local, diverse, and seemingly cared for in their jobs?
- Do they have sound business practices and financial statements? Analyze their annual reports.
- How close would you like the bank’s location to be to your home or place of work?
- What are the hours of operation? Does this work with your schedule?
- Does the bank have good customer service?
- What are their ATM fees? Are there multiple ATM’s in town?
- Can you access the bank or credit union through international ATM machines to make travel easy?
- What type of online banking services do they have?
- Is paperless billing an option?
- Do they have any mileage credit cards if that’s important to you?
- Can you apply to see what credit limit you qualify for before opening an account? If it’s lower than you current limit, ask if a transfer of credit is possible.
- What are their lending and investment services like?
- What are their Certificate of Deposit interest rates?
- What are their wire transfer fees?
If some of the services you have received from a large bank are not available, ask what they would need to implement the service. It may be that if enough customers show an interest and a commitment that the bank can accommodate a request. In our experience, this has been the case with waiving ATM fees, granting larger credit limits and providing international services.
Local Banking Resources:
Move Your Money Campaign - This campaign partners with other organizations to promote local banking. So far they’ve moved hundreds of millions of dollars out of Wall Street mega-banks. You can enter your zipcode on their website to search for local banks and credit unions in your area.
Audio Guide with Catherine Austin Fitts on Banking Locally - This audio seminar is a great introduction to the benefits of banking locally and the story of one woman's successful transition from a centralized to a local bank.
Rainforest Action Network is leading a nationwide movement to stop the two largest funders of coal power plants: Citibank and Bank of America. You can find out more and join the movement on their website.
Kyle Thiermann, a young pro surfer from Santa Cruz, California inspired people to move over $100 million of lending power from Central Banks to local banks as a result of his initial video project, Claim Your Change. The video shows how people’s deposits in Bank of America could be funding the development of a coal-power plant in Chile. Find out more on his website,

Buy Responsibly - Vote with your dollars.
Whenever you buy something you are voting with your money. Every transaction is an action. By making more environmentally and socially conscious purchases you can create a higher demand for better products, lessen your impact on the environment, and support better working conditions for people around the world.
Next time you’re buying something ask yourself questions like:
- Do I support the policies and practices of this company? Does it have a good reputation?
- What are labor conditions for the workers?
- Were any recycled or sustainable materials used in making this product?
- Can I recycle or reuse this product myself? Will it last a long time?
- Is there an alternative source that reflects my values better?
- Where was this made? How far did this travel to make it here?
Many resources are available below to educate yourself on the benefits of buying local, organic, and fair made products as much as possible.
Consumer Resources:
- The Better World Shopping Guide - This handy shopping guide ranks companies based on 5 key criteria: human rights, the environment, animal protection, community involvement, and social justice. It’s a comprehensive, easy-to-use guide that will help you make informed purchases ranging from coffee to cosmetics to cleaning products.
- National Directory of Green and Organic Businesses - You can search for green services and products in your area on the Organic Consumers Association website. They also list other green directories to help you find independent bookstores, farmers markets, non-corporate cafes, and more.
- Annie Leonard's "Story of Stuff" - See video below.
Invest Responsibly
If you have money to invest, you can help fund sustainable businesses and a healthier planet. Sometimes this is referred to as Socially Responsible Investment (SRI). You can put your money in an SRI Mutual Fund that screens, evaluates, and invests in companies based on environmental, social, and economic criteria or you can invest in companies that you already know are making important contributions to society. However, SRI funds are not all equal. Check out Paul Hawken’s article to see how many SRI funds are not actually responsibly invested.
Investment SRI Resources:
- Natural Capital Institute – NCI has created a comprehensive public online database of complete equity holdings and screening categories of SRI mutual funds in the US and Canada.
- Kiva – Kiva is a micro-lending organization that connects borrowers and lenders from around the world to alleviate poverty. You can easily find out who needs funding and contribute small amounts to various people and projects through their website.
- Highwater Global Fund – A unique global equity fund investing in companies that provide solutions to environmental and social challenges. Minimum investment required.
The U.S. Federal Reserve is a private corporation making huge profits at our demise. Join the movement to expose the Fed’s destructive practices and create honest alternatives.
Citizen Pressure Can Keep the Internet Open
Both government and major media corporations are continually trying to undermine the freedom of the Internet.
Companies including AT&T, Verizon, Comcast, and Google are trying to get rid of net neutrality and set up a tiered system of content delivery so that websites that pay more load more quickly.
This would destroy the Internet as we know it and have disastrous effects, including:
- privilege to those who pay more
- less user control
- discrimination
- further consolidation
The Cyber Security Act also threatens to authorize Chinese-style censorship of Internet sites and content.
What can you do to stop this from happening?
Join the “Save the Internet” Coalition. This cross-coalition movement has grown to include more than 850 organizations, 1.6 million people, and 6,000 bloggers. Their website constantly features important actions – you can join the coalition and receive the latest news, sign petitions, and get involved.
Take Action with the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). EFF is a member supported organization that fights for personal privacy, digital rights, and opposes NSA spy programs. Check out their “Action Center” to get involved.

Listen, Watch, and Read Independent News
Five major corporations now own over 80% of the media in the U.S. You can challenge media consolidation by getting your information from diverse sources and contributing to independent media. What matters most is that you access a variety of sources so that you get a range of perspectives and that the sources are transparent about their funding. It can be surprisingly challenging to find out who funds the media, even for independent stations. You can put pressure on these stations and other news programs by contacting them at the emails listed below. Stations that are viewer-funded can provide the most diverse coverage because they don’t risk losing their advertisers.
Some of our suggestions include:
TV and Radio
Link TV brings you news from all over the world as well as diverse cultural programs. It is 30% funded by viewers. Its largest foundation supporters include The Annenberg Foundation, Attar Supporting Organization, The Attias Family Foundation, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, Firedoll Foundation, The Ford Foundation, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Kalliopeia Foundation, The Kresge Foundation, Otto Haas Charitable Trusts, The Philanthropic Collaborative, Rockefeller Brothers Foundation, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and Wallace Global Fund. You can contact them here.
Free Speech TV is a progressive, independent TV and multimedia network. It is 33% funded by viewers.[1] Foundation supporters include the Alphawood Foundation, Lannan Foundation, LEF Foundation, Otto Haas Charitable Trust, Park Foundation, and The Tides Foundation. You can contact them here.
Democracy Now! is a national, daily, independent news program hosted by journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez. They have a socialist slant, but do in-depth coverage of stories rarely seen in mainstream media. It is 65% funded by viewers and does not publicly disclose information about large Foundation funders. You can contact Democracy Now! here.
Online News
These news sources span the spectrum and together provide a snapshot of what is being reported from various political perspectives. They each provide valuable information, but often have their own biases, as noted below.
Left leaning, democrat slant:
Common Dreams gives you daily news from a progressive perspective.
Huffington Post brings you daily breaking news on a range of topics.Truthout works to “broaden and diversify the political discussion by introducing independent voices and focusing on under-covered issues and unconventional thinking.”
More traditionally conservative:
Campaign for Liberty focuses on individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a noninterventionist foreign policy.
Mises Institute offers a libertarian perspective.
The Cato Institute is a public policy research organization — a think tank — dedicated to the principles of individual liberty, limited government, free markets and peace.
Republic covers critical issues rarely seen in mainstream media.
Focused on exposing the Global Domination Agenda:
G. Edward Griffin investigates the truth behind diverse topics including chemtrails, cancer cures, and the Federal Reserve.
Info Wars is the publication site of activist and radio host, Alex Jones, who exposes critical information about the global domination agenda.
David Icke publishes articles on a regular basis ranging from global governance, to microchipping, to mind control.
Amped Status is 100% reader-funded.
Global Research covers a diverse range of topics.
General Media Websites
The Center for Media and Democracy investigates PR campaigns run by powerful institutions; assists grassroots activism; promotes media literacy; and sponsors “open content” media. You can access independent news on their site and contribute to wiki-based investigative journalism.
The Center for Public Integrity produces original investigative journalism about and is dedicated to making institutional power more transparent and accountable.
Donate to Stations That You Want to Support
Independent media is largely funded by listeners and viewers. Pledging your support has far-reaching value.
[1] Free Speech Financial Report:

Join the Movement to Ban GMO Farming and Foods
Genetically Modified Foods threaten our health, the environment, and our ability to grow our own food. You can challenge GMO farming practices by joining Non-GMO movements and supporting organic, local farmers.
- Join the “Millions Against Monsanto” Campaign
- Sign Up for Critical Mass Actions to create a GMO Free Zone with a critical mass of others; protest at the USDA and FDA offices to label and ultimately ban GMO products; and/or protest at Monsanto headquarters. You can tell us what actions interest you most by filling out the Critical Mass survey here.
Support Organizations That are Working to Protect People and the Environment from Unsafe GMO Practices
- The Center for Food Safety works to “protect human health and the environment by curbing the proliferation of harmful food production technologies and by promoting organic and other forms of sustainable agriculture.”
- Greenpeace has been campaigning against GMOs since 1995. They got the Biosafety Protocol adopted in Montreal, Canada and are working to get countries to ban GMOs altogether.
- Natural Solutions Foundation is raising awareness to ban all GMOs.
- Organic Consumers Association is leading a movement against Monsanto, the largest biotech company in the world. It also educates about the benefits of organic farming and food.
Support Organic Farmers and Eat Organic Food as Much as Possible
- Shop at Your Local Farmers Market - Farmers markets often sell food from small, local, organic farms and are fun, lively events. Find a farmers market near you.
- Join a CSA - Get your food in a box on a weekly basis from local farmers and consider sponsoring someone who can’t afford it to receive CSA harvests. Find a CSA near you. Or View more listings of CSA’s throughout the U.S.
- Use a Non-GMO Shopping Guide - You can download a hard-copy of a Non-GMO shopping guide on The Center for Food Safety's website, or get their Free Mobile App.
Support Campaign Finance Reform to Prevent Corporate Bribery of Elected Officials
There is a national movement to get public financing for candidates running for Congress – this would get big money out of elections, and allow politicians to focus on their job. It would hold politicians accountable to the people, rather than their contributors. Check out the Fair Elections Now Act to get involved. You can also check out Public Campaign: Clean Money, Clean Elections for other actions.
Use Paper Ballots
Many states in the U.S. still use electronic voting machines even though they frequently malfunction and make it impossible to track the voting record. There’s substantial evidence that rigging elections is possible and has happened because of this.
People and organizations around the country are working to bring integrity to the electoral process. You can tap into their networks to help bring verifiable, paper ballot voting to your area.
- Election Defense Alliance - “Election Defense Alliance is building a national citizen movement for a full-time, full-range campaign to expose electoral fraud and establish electoral integrity in local, county, state, and national elections.” Check out their “Take Action” section of the site to find out how you can get involved in the campaign, join a local group, and promote election integrity on election day.
- Verified Voting - This organization advocates “the use of voter-verified paper ballots for all elections in the United States, so voters can inspect individual permanent records of their ballots before they are cast and so meaningful recounts may be conducted.” They also “insist that electronic voting equipment and software be open to public scrutiny and that random, surprise recounts be conducted on a regular basis to audit election equipment.” You can get involved by checking out their action alerts, signing the resolution on electronic voting, and joining their campaign.
Change the Voting Day
In the U.S. we vote on a Tuesday, which makes it hard for a lot of working people to make it to the polls. An organization called “Why Tuesday?” is working to bring this issue to the forefront – check out their work and spread the word.

The burning of fossil fuels is polluting the air, fueling war and global conflict, and breeding dependency on oil-rich countries. But efficient, sustainable alternatives exist that can revolutionize the energy industry. You can help make this shift by reducing your reliance on fossil fuels, supporting clean alternatives, and spreading the word about new energy technologies.
Promote New Energy Technologies with a Critical Mass of Others
Sign up for Critical Mass Actions to promote the development, protection, and dissemination of New Energy Technologies. Click here to learn more about New Energy.
Reduce Your Reliance on Fossil Fuels
Buy Less Petroleum Based Products – 93% of American plastics start with natural gas or oil.[1] Avoid single-use plastic products as much as possible.
10 Things Drivers Can Do to Cut Down on Oil Consumption – You can save a lot of gas by making some simple changes to your driving habits and properly maintaining your car.
Help Create a Green Collar Economy
People in Minnesota are making a transition to a green economy by installing solar, educating students, training a new workforce, creating urban gardens, retrofitting homes, and more. Check out the video below to see how they are doing it. also offers opportunities to get involved and transition away from our reliance on fossil-fuels while providing jobs for those who need it most.
[1] Petroleum Based Products are Around Us, In Us by Seth Borenstein, Associated Press. June 12, 2010:
Would you take part in a social change action if 10,000, 100,000 or 1,000,000 others joined you? With Critical Mass Actions you can do exactly that. These actions only happen when a “critical mass” of people have agreed to participate.
- Increase Participation
- Mobilize the Masses
- Assure Meaningful ImpactWhat Critical Mass Actions are taking place?Do I have to travel to be part of a Critical Mass Action?How did you choose these actions?How do you know when an action reaches critical mass?Has this been done before?
Audit the Federal Reserve
Addressing the corruption of the Federal Reserve is one of our top priorities. The Federal Reserve is a secretive, privately-run bank. It has a monopoly on creating money and it has been robbing the American people through inflation, bailouts, favoring special interests and charging interest on money created out of thin air. Since the Federal Reserve was created in 1913, the purchasing power of the dollar has plummeted by 96%.
A meaningful audit of the Fed will likely require multiple simultaneous actions in order to be successful. Campaign finance reform is an important piece. Congress will only change the laws and conduct an audit when politicians are held accountable to their constituents, rather than to corporate and banking interests. Public Campaign is currently working on campaign finance reform.
Nation-wide Rally to End the Federal Reserve
It may be that American people will need an audit before they are ready to end the Federal Reserve. Either way, we ultimately want to see it shut down and it will require a variety of actions. THRIVE is promoting a national protest at Regional Federal Reserve banks around the country to gain awareness for the movement. The regional Federal Reserve banks are located in San Francisco, Kansas City, Dallas, Minneapolis, Chicago, St. Louis, Atlanta, Cleveland, Richmond, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, New York, and Boston.
We’ll also need: alternative currencies to challenge the Federal Reserve’s monopoly on creating money, campaign finance reform at the state and Federal level, more media coverage, think tanks to brainstorm the transition away from the Federal Reserve, and more. Contact us if you would like to partner in organizing and implementing critical mass actions to end the Federal Reserve.
Create a GMO Free Zone
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are poisoning our food supply, our bodies and even diminishing our fertility. GMOs are threatening our ability to save our own seeds and grow healthy, organic food. To learn more about GMOs, click here.This involves taking action with a critical mass of people in your city, county or region to create a GMO-Free Zone. Pair up with others and start a domino effect to sweep the nation and get rid of GMOs all together. If you are interested in this action, please fill out the “location” field when entering your personal info so we can see where this is generating the most interest.
Mass Protest at USDA and FDA to Label and Ultimately Ban GMO Products
The USDA and the FDA are supposed to be protecting and promoting our health, but they are doing neither. The USDA is actually a co-owner in major GMO patents. These government agencies should require labeling of GMOs as a first step to raising awareness about their dangers. We have a right to know what’s in our food. USDA headquarters are in Washington D.C. and FDA headquarters are in Silver Spring, Maryland, so these protests would require travel for most people.
Mass Protest at Monsanto Headquarters With Call to Boycott Monsanto Products
Monsanto is a multinational agriculture biotechnology corporation that is the main producer of genetically engineered seeds and the herbicide Roundup. The company has waged vicious campaigns to shut down small organic growers and make farmers around the world dependent on their seeds. Monsanto’s policies threaten our own existence. Monsanto’s main headquarters are in St. Louis, Missouri but there are multiple locations in the US and throughout the world, so this action could potentially be nationwide or global, depending on levels and locations of interest.
Promote the Development, Protection and Dissemination of New Energy Technologies
New Energy offers the potential to free us from our dependence on oil, and to power our homes, businesses, cars and more with a universally abundant and clean energy source, sometimes referred to as “free” energy. To learn more about New Energy, click here.
You do not need to commit any funds until we solidify a funding strategy, but if you’re interested please let us know by signing up here and we’ll email you more information when thousands of others are ready to fund a New Energy solution.
Fund a New Energy Demonstration/Expo
One of the main problems with New Energy is the lack of public awareness and exposure. We could fund a Free Energy Demonstration and meaningful press coverage to allow people to see the devices for themselves. Again, you do not need to commit any funds until we figure out a funding strategy, but if you’re interested please let us know by signing up here and we’ll be in touch via email.
We also recognize that many legitimate New Energy inventors have not participated in past demonstrations/expos due to security concerns and suppression. Our intention here is to simply see if there's enough interest to fund a legitimate conference and partner with New Energy Inventors if and when it is safe and viable to do so.
Expose Chemtrails With a Mass Protest at NOAA Offices
Planes are spraying toxic chemicals throughout the atmosphere, aka “Chemtrails”, causing air, soil and human contamination. To find out more about Chemtrails, click here. This action would likely take place at the main headquarters for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in Silver Spring, MD.
Expose Chemtrails With a Day of Action at Various International News Outlets
People could bring footage of chemtrails, signs, pictures and urge the news to cover chemtrails and the local weather reporter to highlight the phenomenon.
Shut Down Nuclear Power Plants Around the U.S. and the World
The U.S. government protects nuclear power plants so taxpayers are ultimately responsible for the consequences of any accidents — both financially and with their lives. There are safer alternatives.
Germany plans to shut down all nuclear plants by 2022. Other countries can do the same. In the US, it will likely require simultaneous action for campaign finance reform so candidates and elected officials respond to our demands rather than special interests, and pass legislation for no more nuclear power. To work on campaign finance reform, go to Public Campaign’s website.
Protect Internet Freedom
If you’re interested in an Internet freedom Critical Mass Action, please tell us your ideas by clicking the "Sign Up" button and filling out the comments field.
Stop and Prevent the Poisoning of Indigenous Communities
In the US, indigenous lands are being exploited and targeted by big business for resource extraction, nuclear dumping, and more. There are proposals for coal, oil, gold and copper mines, coal bed methane, natural gas "fracking," and nuclear storage that threaten these communities and the environment. This is a chance to stand up for Native American rights and show that we are committed not just to apologizing for past wrongs, but ending the violations that continue to this day.