Fundamental Pattern
Nature appears to rely on one core recurring pattern to evolve life at every scale—the torus. It is a donut shaped energy vortex that you can see everywhere from atoms to galaxies and beyond.

Nature appears to rely on one core recurring pattern to evolve life at every scale—the torus. It is a donut shaped energy vortex that you can see everywhere from atoms to galaxies and beyond.
The torus is nature’s way of creating and sustaining life and it can serve as a template for sustainability. Knowledge of the pattern is already advancing fan and propeller technologies, powering clean, “new energy” devices, informing non-violent self defense, and helping us better understand the nature of the “unified field.”
The Torus

“Looking back on almost half a century of research, including thousands of books, films, interviews with experts from diverse fields, if I were to pick one common denominator to all the facets of my quest, it would be the TORUS, the fundamental energy pattern that invites our alignment at every level of our existence for us to survive and thrive.”
- Foster Gamble
The torus, or primary pattern, is an energy dynamic that looks like a doughnut – it’s a continuous surface with a hole in it. The energy flows in through one end, circulates around the center and exits out the other side.
You can see it everywhere – in atoms, cells, seeds, flowers, trees, animals, humans, hurricanes, planets, suns, galaxies and even the cosmos as a whole.
Scientist and philosopher, Arthur Young, explained that a torus is the only energy pattern or dynamic that can sustain itself and is made out of the same substance as its surroundings – like a tornado, a smoke ring in the air, or a whirlpool in water.

The torus also applies at the human level. Each person not only is a torus – our bodies are a continuous surface (skin) with a hole through the middle (intestinal tract) – but we are each surrounded by our own toroidal electro-magnetic field.
Each individual’s torus is distinct, but at the same time open and connected to every other in a continuous sea of infinite energy.
It is the same energy field you can feel with a magnet. It is usually invisible, but by scattering iron filings loosely around a magnet you can actually see the toroidal shape of energy.
Double Torus
Most torus dynamics actually contain two toruses – called “tori” – like the male and female aspects of the whole – one spiraling one direction toward the north pole and its opposite spinning toward the South pole. This is also referred to as the “Coriolis” effect. Examples are the weather on the earth and the plasma flow of the sun.
The VE - Vector Equilibrium

The underlying structure of the torus is the Vector Equilibrium, or “VE.” It is the blueprint by which nature forms energy into matter. Buckminster Fuller, one of the 20th Century’s most prolific inventors, coined the term Vector Equilibrium. He named it this because the “VE” is the only geometric form where all forces are equal and balanced. The energy lines (vectors) are of equal length and strength. They represent the energy of attraction and repulsion, like you can feel with a magnet.
You can’t actually observe the “VE” in the material world because it is the geometry of absolute balance. What we experience on Earth is always expanding toward and contracting away from absolute equilibrium. Like a wave arising from the surface of a tranquil sea, a material form is born (unfolds) from the plenum (fullness) of energy (ironically referred to by physicists as “the vacuum!”) and dies (enfolds) back into it. The VE is like the imaginable – yet invisible – mother of all the shapes and symmetries we see in the world.
To explore this more deeply check out a longer, scientific explanation of the VE.
The Phi Spiral

The Phi Double Spiral

The phi spiral in one direction will often be seen counterbalanced with another one in the opposite direction – called the Phi Double Spiral.
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How it All Fits Together
When you put all three aspects of the pattern together - the torus, the VE, and Phi spirals - you end up with one whole pattern that looks like this:

It makes sense that the torus shows up at every scale, because we seem to live in a fractal universe. “Fractal” means that the same patterns are repeated at all scales, whether you look through a microscope or a telescope. When you look at a small part of a fractal, it has a similar appearance to its full shape. Mountain ranges, river beds, plants and lightning discharges are familiar examples.

Applications of the Pattern
What are some of the ways knowledge of the pattern is being applied?
“Our crisis is a birth. We are one living system and we have come to the limit of one phase of natural growth on a finite planet… We must learn ethical evolution quickly… As we seek to facilitate a gentle birth, a graceful and nonviolent transition to the next stage of our evolution, we will discover a natural pattern, a design of our birth transition, and develop a plan to cooperate with this design.”
- Barbara Marx Hubbard
Fan and Propeller Technologies
Pax Scientific has patented the application of the phi spiral for translating “nature's flow efficiencies into streamlined design geometries.” The result is more efficient and effective technologies such as fans, turbines, pumps, and more.
A small phi-design propeller is able to circulate a million gallon water storage tank in the form of a torus. This avoids temperature stratification and stagnation and minimizes the need for chemical additives. All this for 200-300 watts, the amount of power it takes to run 3 or 4 light bulbs!
“New Energy” Devices
Many “New Energy” technologies are based on the pattern – they mimic the torus in order to tap energy from the space around us. Free energy inventor, Adam Trombly, explains that his device creates a dynamo with energy pouring through the center and creating a magnetic field, like the torus.
Ashok Gangadean uses the torus to blend the philosophies of East and West, transcending the old worldview where we are all just isolated entities. Ashok found the torus to be the first accurate scientific model that shows how each of us is a distinct individual, but also completely interconnected to all existence.
Sheldon Sperber, MD likens the torus to the shape of consciousness itself, which is further mirrored through universal structures.
Non-violent Self Defense
The non-violent martial art of Aikido is a philosophy with a physical expression. It recognizes the wholeness of the pattern that each individual is – and blends with that energy to neutralize aggression without having to inflict injury.
Aikido means “the way of harmony with life energy.” Its founder, Morihei Ueshiba, said,
“Aikido is not a technique to fight and defeat an enemy. It is a way to reconcile the world and make human beings one family."
Ueshiba also said if you want to understand Aikido, you need to mimic the movements of atoms and galaxies, in other words – to flow with the fundamental pattern of life energy.
The same way free energy inventors blend with the pattern to access greater energies, Aikido blends with and re-directs the movement of an attacker to resolve conflict.
Collaborative Tools for Organizations
Just as it takes a minimum of twelve spokes to stabilize a hub on a bicycle wheel, or a ball in space as depicted in this sculpture by Buckminster Fuller, twelve ‘Sectors’ cover all the major spheres of human activity.
THRIVE’s 12 around 1 “Sector Navigator”– based on the Vector Equilibrium – promotes comprehensive whole systems thinking. This helps to keep our awareness on the critical interdependence of sustainable solutions.
Many organizations are now using process tools based on the pattern. On this site you can use the “Sector Navigator” to access any and all Sectors and to get a better feel for how all issues are interconnected. The following is a sampling of organizations, in addition to Clear Compass Media, who are also using a 2D or 3D version of the 12-around-1 model:
Evolve -
Humanity Unites Brilliance -
The Institute of Noetic Sciences -
Shift in Action -
Summer of Peace -
Transpartisan Alliance -
Featured Pioneers
Arthur Young
“The self in a toroidal Universe can be both separate and connected with everything else.”
Arthur M. Young (1905-1995) was a mathematician, cosmologist, and inventor of the Bell helicopter. The helicopter employs two rotations at right angles to each other, which is the essence of the torus. Young also developed a startlingly accurate metaparadigm or cosmology of how the whole universe – from subatomic particles to human consciousness – works according to an octave process of evolution.
Buckminster Fuller
“Bucky” Fuller(1895-1983) called himself a “comprehensivist.” Considering himself worthless in his twenties – a “throwaway” – he decided to dedicate his life to seeing if one individual can really make a difference. He trained in engineering and architecture and his investigations of nature’s blueprint allowed him to become one of the 20th century’s most prolific inventors. He is most famous for inventing the geodesic dome and the Dymaxion car and house. But perhaps Bucky’s most profound legacy will turn out to be how he revealed the structure of the Unified Field which he called the “Cosmic Octave Hierarchy.”
Walter Russell
Walter Russell (1871-1963) was the sculptor and painter for the White House as well as a national figure skating champion. He had a 39 day naturally altered-state experience of ecstatic knowing that revealed to him how energy moves in the universe. “I was made to see the universe as a whole and its simple principle of creation as one unit, repeated over and over, endlessly and without variation, as evidenced in the universal heartbeat to which every pulsing thing in the light-wave universe is geared to act as one unit of the whole.” He spent the rest of his life trying to educate scientists about these principles and time is proving him correct. He seemed to have seen in his inner vision the importance of both the torus and the vector equilibrium. He put his knowledge of the octave nature of matter to the test by predicting the existence of two chemical elements that were later verified just as he had proposed. Then, with Westinghouse labs, he designed and created a device (the “Transmutor”) capable of accomplishing aspects of the alchemist’s dream, the changing of one element into another.
Nassim Haramein
“When the individual experiences the holographic Oneness of the Universe, and the fundamental geometric parameters under which the life generating pulse occurs, the application of these understandings eventually generates a comprehensive technology aligned with these true natural principles.”
Nassim Haramein predicted as early as 1991 that all galaxies would be centered by black holes. Although he was dismissed and even ridiculed at the time, mainstream science has now come to agree and the forty closest galaxies reveal confirming evidence. What did he understand that allowed him to suggest this and why is he saying it’s the same for all suns and atoms? It’s the double torus – the fundamental pattern. His findings are backed up with breakthrough physics papers that are furthering Einstein’s quest for a “Unified Field Theory.” Now the same understanding is the basis of an award winning paper showing for the first time how the so-called “strong force” is actually a function of the fundamental torus pattern.
Kenneth Snelson
Kenneth Snelson introduced Buckminster Fuller to the notion of “tensegrity” – the balance of tension and compression that holds natural systems together. He has used these principles to create spectacular sculptures. Snelson has also used his knowledge of geometry to model how atomic elements are formed. These models were of great help and inspiration to the explorations in Atomic Geometry computer modeling of Foster Gamble and Robert Gray.
Marvin Solit
Marvin Solit, who died in 2006, was a healer with a profound passion for understanding the geometry of space. His ability to envision and build complex models helped him develop theories that complement and extend Buckminster Fuller’s Synergetics I & II.
To see other scientific explorations into the fundamental pattern, check out the resource tree below.