First I want to say that I am deeply gratified by the wonderful global response to THRIVE. I was both excited and anxious about releasing our labor of love into the world.


Dear Thrivers,

Welcome to the inaugural message of Thrive Pulse – my personal blog.

First I want to say that I am deeply gratified by the wonderful global response to THRIVE. I was both excited and anxious about releasing our labor of love into the world. I send vast gratitude for your open minds and hearts and for valuing our work enough to share it with your trusted friends.

In just the first week, you have self-created over 1700 screenings, mostly in the US and Europe. Over two hundred thousand people have seen THRIVE and over half a million have viewed the trailer – with a “99%” like ratio.

My intention is to have these blog communications be succinct solutions-oriented explorations. I want to learn from the inspiring things you are doing and I will do my best to share my perspective on what is really going on in the world and to respond productively to your questions. This will not be the location for venting haters, government trolls or niggling over my relationship to Procter and Gamble or our charging to rent and buy the movie.

The most frequently asked questions for me so far are...

1 - Why did you risk undermining your credibility by putting UFOs in your movie?

2 - If one of the solutions is Free Energy, why didn’t you just put the formulas and diagrams in the movie or on the website?

3 - How can I help get Free Energy released to the world?

For this blog, I want to tie these all together.

First, we did not hold back on anything that we thought was a critical piece of the story, even though almost everyone had some segment they thought was “too far out” for the documentary. It was the coherence that comes from connecting of the dots that we felt was missing and that our research could provide.

Second, as Adam Trombly says in the film, “The suppression of UFOs goes hand in hand with the suppression of Free Energy. ” If we are being visited by beings from other solar systems or vibrational planes, they would not be burning fossil fuel to get here or traveling in normal space/time as we know it. Their visitation provides the proof of concept that would in itself undermine the oil economy. It is also a paradigm shift to imagine the implications of an abundant universe, where energy to propel beings through the cosmos could be tapped to provide equal access to clean safe energy for everyone and which therefore obsoletes the control of energy that currently dictates our deadly global power dynamic. The government has confiscated numerous working “new energy” devices. Over 5000 patent applications have been tied up as well. It is highly probable that many of the UFOs that are reported or even photographed belong to the military industrial complex, dominated by the banking elite.

I have had the honor to visit some labs and to see working devices, but they have virtually all been seized. I describe in general terms the variety of ways I think they work on this website. We also link to other people’s work, including diagrams, on the Resource Tree. I had the assistance of a physicist and an engineer  to help me understand the inner workings of free energy devices, but I am not myself an inventor.

To help get this technology out, I suggest you sign up on the Critical Mass Action page in the New Energy section. In my opinion, it is going to take a considerable amount of money to assure the Development, Marketing, Security and Legal Defense aspects of bringing these technologies out. I believe that working together with funders, inventors, lawyers and an informed public en masse, we can do it. I will be keeping you posted on new developments in this field.

Numerous viewers have expressed their enthusiasm about sharing the film with their families. We have heard inspiring stories about healing conversations between liberals and conservatives, Republicans and Democrats as they find transpartisan common cause in understanding the higher level agenda affecting us all. They report reconciling on the basis of human rights and integrity, transcending the charade of partisan politics that has so obviously failed us. I encourage you to consider sharing THRIVE with your friends and family over the holidays. Then write in and let us all know how it went!

Some examples of feedback about sharing THRIVE with families...

My husband and I have been following the money for over a decade. Thrive nails it on every front, inspiring a seeker to dig deeper on many truths. The film is hauntingly disturbing and equally fills one with joy, hope and a fervent intention to focus on love, wholeness, holiness and connectivity to the planet and our global family. We can't thank you enough! We have eight young adult children ranging in age from 26-17. We've been trying to figure out how to talk to them about all we've studied and tracked over the years. Thrive is our answer. We are hosting a family showing over Thanksgiving and would welcome all heart-centered goodwill toward the outcome. Determined to Thrive!

L. W.

Just saw it... at Occupy Irvine , in Orange County , CA . The documentary that sums up all of my favorites in one nice bundle and you hit each nail on the head with such ease! If there is one thing you need to share with anyone this Christmas season.... it needs to be this documentary…..                                                                          C. T.

With you...toward thriving,


* Future entries to Thrive Pulse will look through the THRIVE lens at such issues as...

  • why Egyptian protesters are having to take to the streets again, and what we can learn from that
  • what it means that the recent IAEA report on suspicious developments in Iran's nuclear program sounds just like the Bush Jr. administration fabrications to justify the invasion of Iraq and the takeover of their resources and banking structure
  • how to translate news reports into what they would be saying if you were being told the truth