The Four Stages of Brainwashing by the Communist Conspiracy
Once you see it, you will see it everywhere!

I have made films and written articles now for years about the so-called “global domination agenda” being perpetrated by the New World Order cabal. This is a massive international plot that is senior to socialism, communism, fascism and democracy. These ideologies are all just tools to pit the population against one another and to consolidate rule in the hands of a psychopathic few.
There is no more important piece of the puzzle to understand, in my view, however, than what Yuri Bezmenov, a KGB agent and 1977 refugee from the Soviet Union, described as “the four stages of ideological subversion.” He first laid this out in an epic interview with G. Edward Griffin in 1984 (ironic, I know!).
The core thesis is critical to a comprehension of what is going on in not just America, but the entire Western world right now. Brazil, France, and the European Union have all recently abandoned any pretense of free speech. Mark Zuckerberg has publicly acknowledged the coercion from the Biden administration to censor free speech, not just on covert matters, but on any information countering the establishment narrative.
There are four primary stages to this ideological subversion, and when you see them, suddenly it can make sense when you see the decades long push in universities, high schools, and now even in elementary school for Marxist indoctrination… the post-modernist notions that there is no such thing as truth, that all morality is relative, and that we need to destroy all systems from the past (“unburdened by what has been”), no matter how nurturing or stabilizing (family, religion, philosophy, critical thinking…), in order to have a blank slate for complete totalitarianism.
Bezmenov states that “Only about 15% of the communist Intelligence budget is spent on espionage. The rest is on propaganda, which is ideological manipulation — also known as ‘active measures’ or ‘psychological warfare.’”
He explains that the communist goal is “to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that, despite the abundance of information, no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interests of defending themselves, their family, their community and their country.”
I summarize here the four stages that Mr. Bezmenov describes as the recipe for multi-generational socialist/communist takeover, without firing a shot.
Stage | Name | Duration |
1 | DEMORALIZATION | can take 15–20 years |
2 | DESTABILIZATION | can last for 2–5 years |
3 | CRISIS | can be completed in as little as six weeks |
4 | NORMALIZATION | can last for decades |
Does this sound or feel familiar?
Bezmenov says the first stage, demoralization, is a process of eroding the values and beliefs of the society… Until its members no longer have a clear sense of right and wrong.
Drag queen story hour, sexual mutilation of children without parental consent, substituting pornography for relationship, fake money, education as indoctrination, fake news, controlled far-left (socialist media), socialist and satanic control of “woke” Hollywood cancel culture, corrupt politicians, poisonous pharmaceuticals, drugs, soil, air, water, chemtrails, fluoride, GMO, pesticides, herbicides, post-modern nihilism and much more. Did you think this was all incompetence?
“15 to 20 years is how long it takes to educate/indoctrinate one generation of students in the Marxist-Leninist ideology. Already, at least three generations of Americans have had this ideology hammered into their heads without any counterbalancing narrative. Already the first generation of graduates are holding major positions in education, mass media, business and politics.” — Bezmenov
Destabilization — stage 2 — involves creating economic, social, and political chaos in a society.
Fiat money backed by nothing, fractional reserve lending, debt-based economy, perpetual boom/bust, Keynesianism, Modern Monetary Theory (“Deficits don’t matter” — Dick Cheney), WEF, NWO, NIH, CDC, FDA, AMA, FBI, CIA, DHA, NEF, encouraging racism, sexism, ageism, political polarity, surveillance, social credit scores, mandatory vax, shutdowns, social distancing, WHO Health treaty for total global rule by bureaucrats, fruitless imperialist wars to steal gold, oil and install Rothschild central banking fraud…
Crisis, the third stage is where the destabilization reaches a boiling point and a state of emergency is declared.
A fake pandemic from gain-of-function labs — funded by the military, toxic jabs exacerbated by 5G radiation, all leading to a declaration of emergency, enabling Emergency Use Authorization for untested, unsafe injections. As this is collapsing we are being threatened by more plandemics, climate hoax shutdowns and rigged elections.
Normalization, the fourth and final stage, involves the imposition of a new authoritarian regime that claims to restore order and stability to the society.
They even tried to call the whole Great Reset/Rockefeller-strategized Lockstep Lockdown…RENORMALIZATION! They’re getting so exposed and therefore so desperate, that these stages are now blatant. They’re out in the open. For anyone thinking critically, it’s easier and easier to see which politicians, which CEOs, which bankers, which bureaucrats, media puppets and military honchos are in on it.
“This is what you will get if you let the schmucks bring the country to crisis, to bring the people all kind of goodies, the ‘paradise on Earth,’ to de-stabilize your economy, to eliminate the concept of the free market economy, and to put a Big Brother government in Washington, DC.
“The United States is in a state of undeclared total war…by the world communist system, or the world communist conspiracy. The time bomb is ticking, and the disaster is coming closer and closer — but unlike myself, you will have nowhere to defect to. This is it, the last country of freedom and possibility.” — Bezmenov
What to do?
- “There must be a real national effort to educate people about the true nature of socialism and communism.”
- “Once people wake up they need to force the government to stop aiding communism.”
— Bezmenov
Anyone being fooled by the rhetoric that turned a bizarre cackle into a “forward looking movement of joy,” needs to snap out of this shallow hope and remember that, as Bezmenov says, “Under the communist system, an individual has absolutely no rights, no value. His life is nothing. He’s like an insect. He’s disposable.”
Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Obama, Castro, Trudeau, Newsom, Pelosi, Biden, Harris, Walz…the march continues toward the cliff. A courageous Yuri Bezmenov tried to warn us 40 years ago. This is not to whitewash Donald Trump and how the one ring he kisses is Netanyahu and the Rothschild Zionists. That’s a story for another blog, and a reminder that we need to obsolete the myth of authority in all its disgusting and illegitimate forms. But for now, our most imminent risk is from the communist global conspiracy now fronted by China through the CCP.
We are born sovereign beings and only through standing for that will it stay true.
Will we wake up in time?
You did!
Now alert your friends and network, though your voice may tremble, and your habitual relationships may be shaken. We are naturally bonded together — not by political party, ethnicity, gender, age or religion…but by the truth — which is our ground of being… and freedom — which is our birthright.