Spirit into Matter: The Geometry of Life
What if the fundamental building block of the universe is not a “thing,” a billiard ball-type particle, but a geometry of flow, a pattern that holds true at any scale?

The video above is a quick summary of decades of my research, influenced especially by people like Bucky Fuller, Arthur Young, Walter Russell, Nassim Haramein and Kenneth Snelson.
Read the Audio Transcript at the bottom of the page.
When I was a teenager, my deep concern about the global threat of nuclear annihilation set me on a life-long quest to understand the nature of energy and how we can relate to it harmoniously instead of violently.
Many find it beautiful, and that is a tribute to nature and to the computer skills of Goa Lobaugh and the liquid buddha studios team as well as Robert W. Gray. But most important are the implications of what is represented.
This model indicates that the Universe is an infinite sea of living energy and that there are predictable patterns by which energy is concentrated into the whirlpools that we typically know as particles, atoms, molecules, planets, galaxies and clusters. These insights point to the possibility of accessing energy through harmonic resonance with the naturally occurring toroidal fields — and I have witnessed this manifested numerous times by successful inventors.
This perspective also can awaken us to realize there are no actual “solid things.” But instead there are aggregates of energy vortices — like the atoms and cells in our bodies organized by “meta-physical” consciousness, so that our own essential nature can be seen as existing beyond the body and being intimately connected with all other beings.
For science-minded viewers, here are the postulates that guided my exploration and animation of a new view of the periodic table of elements — the 92 geometries through which spirit seems to manifest into so-called “matter.”
For the In-Forming of Essence
Guidelines for Foster Gamble’s Atomic Geometry
Universe is a continuous, alive and infinite medium.
The metaphysical, conceptual “geometry” of balance of the system will always be present and, because it is in equilibrium, it will be invisible.
All multiplication happens by division of the wholeness.
All form and matter are a function of motion (in the medium), centered by stillness, so action, not matter, is basic, and comes in wholes.
All processes evolve through** maximum simplicity and efficiency**.
The simplest distinction creating a self-sustaining entity as motion in and of the medium** is toroidal**.
Since every system is in rotation and embedded in other rotating systems, all movement is helical.
All systems are connected, and all centers are one.
Complexity builds on combinations and variations of toroidal field distinctions — following fundamental principles of least-effort division of the space medium cohering geometrically around any “point” as center.
Each “point” is the center of its system even as it participates in other systems with other centers.
There are an infinite number of “points” or “centers”.
Curvature toward and away from a center is infinite.
Within the infinite is the finite and within the finite is the infinite.
The structuring of “reality” is fractal and holographic in nature.
Quantization of space pre-exists matter.
Since the whole must always be in balance, any event, impulse, break in symmetry is always accompanied by its complementary dual (reflected as linear and radial polarity, opposite — direction, rotation, charge, — contraction/expansion, edge/vertex, fields, alternating shells etc.…)
Audio Transcript:
Foster: From decades of research, I’ve concluded that the torus is, in fact, the fundamental pattern that the universe uses to evolve. It is the energy flow and the vector equilibrium is the fundamental structure of space. My explorations with many scientists through The Sequoia Symposium, The University of Science and Philosophy, The Institute for the Study of Consciousness, and other venues has given me strong confirmation for these insights into primary patterning.
Not only did the two patterns appear as primary, from tiny molecules all the way to vast galaxies, but over time we began to see how the two patterns fit together as one. A ten year study by a team of Italian astronomers confirmed our understanding that even at the level of galactic clustering, about as big as one can think in physical terms, the pattern of groupings match the vector equilibrium, or isotropic vector matrix, outlined by (Buckminster) Fuller. I worked with physicist, geometer, computer scientist, Robert Gray, to see if what we had learned would reveal a useful, new understanding of the table of atomic elements, the 92 complex patterns by which spirit, or consciousness, manifests into what we call “matter”. We worked with the hypothesis that if the torus were fundamental, then it would probably be the shape of hydrogen, the fundamental atom. The next element, helium, would be a double torus, like the Sun itself. And the rest would complexify from there as pressure was added to the tiny structure by the giant stars and supernova in which they are cooked.
Bucky Fuller’s Cosmic Octave Hierarchy laid out a potentially predictable series of shapes with each electron as a torus on the outside and each proton as a torus in the nucleus, both connected by a tornado-like vortex of energy. Confirmation of our identifying this atomic structure came along the way from the work of Patrick Flanagan.
Flanagan: The donuts were spinning in such a way that energy was exiting at the equator and energy was coming in through the poles. And the proton had the exact reverse. So now, a neutron would be a combination of an electron and a proton coupled together.
Foster: The Cosmic Octave Hierarchy is to 3-D geometry what the music octave is to sound waves or the rainbow is to light. It begins with the simplest space-containing form, the tetrahedron, and its dual. These two form the cube whose dual is the octahedron. Next comes the icosahedron and its partner, the dodecahedron. And, finally, the vector equilibrium and its dual, the rhombic dodecahedron.
As with so much in Nature, the sequence seems to follow the most efficient, least effort arrangements of symmetry in space. Increasing external pressure creates not billiard balls, but more and more of the whirlpools that show up as electrons on the outside and protons on the inside. As the structure of the atoms become more complex and get heavier, they periodically reach stability in what are called the “inert”, or “noble elements”: Neon, then Argon, then Krypton, Xenon, and, finally, Radon. Each of these is characterized by having eight electrons in the outer shell and I believe these eight vortices match the eight outer triangles of the vector equilibrium. And that is why they exhibit equilibrium on their own. They are essentially satisfied or, literally, fulfilled and do not seek to combine with other atoms for stability. As each so-called shell builds toward equilibrium, the pressure creates more and more vortices inside the outer shell, and these form the geometries of the octave hierarchy. The atomic numbers of each inner shell hint that if we could look inside, we could see the sequential forming of the duo-tetrahedron, the octahedron, the icosahedron, and the dodecahedron. The late master geometer, Marvin Solit, showed me how Nature’s Phi Spiral coordinates even atomic structure. And more recently, cosmometry explorer, Marshall Lefferts, has been modeling this dynamic.
The final elements, like Radon and Uranium, have their outer vortices, or electrons, so far from the pull of the nucleus that they are on the verge of flying off to join other atoms. That seems to explain why they are so volatile and ready to radiate or start a chain reaction as used in the atomic bombs and nuclear fission. This is why Walter Russell had warned in his book, “Atomic Suicide”, that these elements should be left deep in the Earth where they are naturally doing their job of dissolving rock rather than brought to the surface where they represent the most lethal toxicity for humans and other species. I heard Bucky Fuller say, “There’s nothing wrong with nuclear power. It’s just that the safe distance from the reactor, the Sun, is about 93 million miles.”
Physicists have been spending billions in tax payer money for decades trying unsuccessfully to access energy through attempting to fuse hydrogen atoms together at Sun-like temperatures in their tokamak device. They’re using the torus shape, but still using an approach of force rather than blending or resonance. At the new, large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, they have constructed the largest ever man-made torus, seventeen miles around, to reach energy levels that they hope would reveal the sub-structure of the atom and to find the hypothetical “God particle,” the Higgs boson, that is supposed to make the whole universe work. Yet, once again, the fundamental idea is crashing protons together at high speed to create a powerful splash of energy.
What if, instead, we were to take a more Aikido-type blending approach, to learn to follow the dance, to see what the universal energy flow naturally does and then go with it instead of crashing against it? What if the fundamental building block of the universe is not a “thing,” a billiard ball-type particle, but a geometry of flow, a pattern that holds true at any scale? What if, instead of creating more violence to access our energy needs, we look to harmonic resonance, to the natural amplification that happens when waves are in sync, when two systems get in tune?
To find out more about the proven applications of this notion, be sure and check out our New Energy Technology section of the website.