IS THIS THE FINAL GASP FOR TRUTH AND FREEDOM… Or the Turning Point Toward a Voluntary and Thriving Society?
American politics are at a critical juncture. Will truth and freedom survive?

Hello dear friends,
I am on my annual pilgrimage to Northern Michigan where I’m spending time with extended family and old friends in a 140-year-old cottage on the Big Lake.
It’s my 75th time here, having missed only two years in my entire life — one when my daughter was born and another one I was doing advanced tennis training at an Academy in Europe.
It’s blustery, peaceful and magnificent here. I am supposed to be on vacation, so I will keep this blog on the shorter end, but I wanted to share a few reflections as we swim into the deep end of this bizarre election season amidst breakneck global schemes passed off as “current events.”
The title of my website and of my upcoming book, as you know, is “Free to Thrive.” That is intended to remind us that we need to be free in order to thrive. Simple as that.
The USA has been getting increasingly less free since 1913 and the dawning of the Federal Reserve, the IRS and multiple central banker-inspired world wars. Millions of lives have been lost around the world fighting for the rights of the individual against the coercive scourges of socialism, communism, fascism, and the sham of “making the world safe for democracy.”
Now, with Kamala Harris being anointed Queen of the Dems, we could be on the verge of one-party rule, of a communist America ending in the collapse of this nation so that 350 million people can be chucked into the global totalitarianism of a one-world technocratic authority.
Just pause for a moment and imagine that you are a fly on the wall behind closed doors of the deep state in America plotting for the complete socialist takeover warned of by USSR refugee and whistleblower Yuri Bezmenov. Soft-toned and handsome Obama eases the country toward socialist healthcare and socialist education along with several imperialist wars to collapse cultures, seize gold, and install the Rothschild banking system throughout the Middle East. Then Hillary gets preempted in a surprise result in 2016 which terrifies the globalists and threatens their communist agenda. Deep-staters on the left and the right and from around the world do their best with fake news, lawfare and assassination attempts, to get rid of the Trumpster and get the U.S. demise back on track. Massive election fraud in 2020 through ballot stuffing and electronic rigging installs the fake Biden presidency along with a politically correct dark-skinned female socialist who was unable to garner votes in her own run but is now being positioned to become commander-in-chief. What a brilliant scheme to shoehorn in a dangerous, unpopular and unintelligent puppet to continue the work of her former dementia-ridden boss.
For those who may not know her beyond her cackle, nonsensical diatribes, ineffectiveness and pretty-enough face, her father was a socialist professor. She was supported by Steve Phillips, a former Marxist-Leninist member of a pro-Chinese communist group called the league of revolutionary struggle. Phillips was also a big supporter of Obama, Cory Booker and Stacy Abrams. Her husband works for a law firm with extensive ties to the Chinese Communist Party. She was buddies with P Diddy and Jeffrey Epstein. She had an affair with socialist mayor of San Francisco, Willie Brown. Her VP pick, Tim Walz, has presided over the woke demise of Minnesota and enforces decisions such as penalizing parents that stand in the way of their children’s surgical mutilation or other “gender-affirming care” procedures. When asked if he was a socialist, Walz once said, “One person’s socialism is another person’s neighborliness.” Tom Woods has pointed out that “No, neighborliness is voluntary.”
I could go on to mention Harris policies like defunding the police, raising funds to bail out violent rioters, abolishing ICE, a single-payer health plan — mandatory for all Americans, replacing equality (full opportunity) with equity (equal outcomes). If she is installed as POTUS, get ready for social credit scores, re-education “camps”, escalating wars, and massive increases in inflation and the theft they call taxation.
If you watch the DNC convention, use it as an opportunity to listen through the platitudes to hear the coercive totalitarian agenda being proffered. The race and gender appearance is a cover for the same socialist totalitarianism which has been tried 72 times before in the world and always has led to poverty, starvation and mass murder.

I see no way that the Democrats can win an honest election, and hence their continued efforts for early voting, authorizing illegals to vote, no ID authorization, etc. The deep state is absolutely desperate, because a Trump or Kennedy presidency will dramatically accelerate exposure of the election fraud, financial fraud, child trafficking, bribery, blackmail, influence peddling and more. They can’t afford to allow that to happen, so they’re showing that they are willing to try anything from wars to lawfare to assassination to cyber attacks and more to try to regain the narrative and claim total control.
Remember, I’m not saying this as a Conservative or a Republican, but as a critical thinking voluntaryist. I do not vote because I am unwilling to endorse coercive authoritarianism, but we do live in a politically dominated world still, and this election matters more than any in my lifetime.
As Jeremy Hammond says… whether you vote or not, find your principles and act on them.
More than ever, we need to be free in order to thrive. Truth floats and love wins…eventually and through our dedicated, diligent and discerning efforts.