Election Fraud in 2020

The 2024 U.S. presidential election in a few weeks could arguably be the most important one for humanity in our history. Why? Because if the U.S. goes communist and is absorbed into the UN’s one world government, for the first time there will be no free country to come to the rescue, and no place to hide.
That’s how big the stakes are, and of course anyone who knows my work, knows that I believe the only way to avoid this type of risk in the future is to get rid of the myth of authority… the whole notion of authoritarian government itself.
However, here we are… On the brink of collectivist catastrophe and “wishing and hoping” for a positive outcome in a monumental election.
Now if I were a nefarious commander of the deep state charged with controlling the election for my team — at any cost, I would:
- create something like a fake plandemic to encourage mail-in ballots
- forge fraudulent ballots for people who were dead, incapacitated or never existed
- plan massive fraud for 3 AM
- stuff ballot boxes in the swing states with massive fakes

- send the Republican poll monitors home after midnight and put cardboard over any windows that might allow witnesses to see the trunks of rigged ballots coming out from under the tables

- use the hackable Dominion software to illegally connect electronic voting machines to the Internet
- send the key data to nefarious foreign states to be electronically switched
- reenter the manipulated data at 3 AM

- call the election through controlled media in favor of the actual loser
- bribe, blackmail or coerce judges into refusing to accept any evidence into court
- if Congress were actually scheduled to hear the evidence, I would stage an FBI false flag “insurrection” and allow protesters into the capital at exactly the moment that the evidence was starting to be presented — such that it was never heard again.

That’s exactly what happened in 2020. Now, I could add to that authorizing over 10 million illegal migrants to vote as if they were U.S. citizens.
Elections have been rigged all over the world, especially by the U.S./CIA, and a while ago that threat came home to roost. The 2020 election was a massive fraud that installed a fake president, and four years of collapse, corruption and violence have followed.
I did a two hour show in 2020 presenting the best of the forensic evidence that I had seen. To this day, very few people anywhere in the U.S. know that this evidence even exists, because of the left-controlled mainstream media and their censorship.
For those who want to know, I present here some of the strongest of this evidence in abbreviated form so that you can review it and share it with your friends. Freedom hangs in the balance. Watch carefully and share widely.
- Joshua Philip on China’s Playbook — From Who’s Stealing America? film
Audio Transcription
[narrator] These are all strategies in the CCP’s unrestricted warfare playbook. Penetrate fully into the enemy’s cells. Use a thousand talents plan to steal technology. Use the media associations and social media to create social conflicts. Get someone who will bow to Beijing’s will elected and advance forward until total control over the nation is achieved.
It’s worth noting that the CCP’s infiltration of American society could not have occurred without the support of the elites of the Western world and special interest groups. These are the so-called old friends of the CCP.
Who are these old friends?
Let’s flip back to January 2008 when Obama was sworn into the White House.
[Barack Obama] “I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear…”
[narrator] Dana Simpson is an expert in election integrity and technology. According to her years of investigations into Dominion, she discovered that Dominion was able to obtain 30 to 40% of the American electronic voting machine market as a result of Obama directing the then Attorney General to ensure his own reelection.
In addition to uncovering how the Department of Justice helped Canada’s Dominion acquire a firm foothold in the U.S., Simpson also found out from a Serbian journalist that Obama’s Vice President Joe Biden visited Serbia in May 2009 to, quote, “cut a deal to help Serbian hackers in Belgrade where he was visiting to get control of information about voting machines.”
[speaker] It’s a system whereby if you do not challenge the Chinese Communist Party’s rule, if you don’t challenge the party politically, and you abide by the Chinese Communist Party’s mandates, whether you’re a Chinese citizen or whether you’re an American or whether you’re a European, then you can essentially take advantage of the benefits provided by the Chinese Communist Party.
So what they’ve done is essentially align Chinese Communist Party interest with the enablement of greed. And so they’ve done this in China. They say in China, “To get rich is glorious.”
And in addition, they’ve been able to essentially incentivize the leaders of large tech companies, large financial institutions in the United States, the leaders of academic institutions, political leaders, and this is not just in the United States, but in democracies all around the world.
And so essentially we face the destruction of the democratic order, but not at the hands of, you know, an adversary wielding nuclear weapons or with shock troops. It’s really using our own tendency to essentially fall victim to greed. It’s simple greed.
[Trevor Loudon] Well, China has a big stake in these elections, you know, they’ve made it very clear they want to get rid of President Trump. They’re much more comfortable with Biden.
So what they have done, they’ve had these networks for some time, but there are communist parties in America that owe allegiance to the Chinese Communist Party. I’m talking about Liberation Road and their subgroup called Left Roots, the Communist Party USA and others.
And what these groups have been doing for several years now is setting up voter registration groups in key states, states that could be flipped from Republican to Democrat, for instance.
And what they do is that they deliberately set up these groups to target minority voters, voters who lean Democrat, but don’t normally vote often. They call them low preponderance voters, low propensity voters.
And so in Virginia, for instance, they’ve had New Virginia majority for some time. That’s been working for over 10 years. And they take credit for flipping that state from Republican to Democrat.
But this election now, they’ve run this out of San Francisco, a group called Seed the Vote. Now, that is a front for the Chinese Progressive Association, which is a big voter registration group, community organizing group that’s been based in San Francisco since the 1970s and has always been a tool of the Chinese Communist Party.
So Seed the Vote has run a whole network of these big voter registration organizations, and they targeted seven states this year. Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, all the key swing states.
[narrator] The year 2020, the 233rd year since the creation of the Constitution of the United States, establishing fundamental laws and guaranteeing basic rights of citizens, including the rights to life, liberty and private property.
Yet, if the 2020 presidential election was stolen by communist forces within and outside of America, then the separation of power among the three branches of government and a fair legal system would cease to exist. The freedom to elect would cease to exist. The freedom and equality of the American people would cease to exist. It would be an attempt at coup to subvert the foundations upon which the United States of America was built.
Communism would slam into the United States like a tsunami. America, the beacon of democracy, would be extinguished and the world would enter a dark age.
[Trevor Loudon] We are living now in a communist revolution, and 90% of Americans still don’t understand this.
So if this election fraud is allowed to stand, there will never be another free election in this country. Never.
The goal of the socialists in this country is complete tyranny.
“These are all strategies in the CCP’s unrestricted warfare playbook. Penetrate fully into the enemy’s cells. Use the thousand talents plan to steal the enemy’s technology. Use the media associations and social media to create social conflicts. Get someone who will bow to Beijing’s will elected and advance forward until total control over the nation is achieved.”
“Obama’s Vice President, Joe Biden, visited Serbia in May 2009, to cut a deal to help Serbian hackers in Belgrade where he was visiting to get control of information about voting machines.”
“We are living now in a communist revolution and 90% of Americans still don’t understand this. If this election fraud is allowed to stand there will never be another free election in this country, never.”
“The goal of the socialists in this country is complete tyranny.”
- Directly from the Chinese horse’s mouth…
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[Tucker Carlson] We want to start tonight with evidence with a remarkable video.
[narrator] On the evening of December 7, 2020, the Tucker Carlson Tonight Show broadcasted video clips of a public lecture given by a CCP academic at the end of November in Shanghai.
They revealed the explosive inside story about the CCP was able to infiltrate and compromise America over the last few decades via Wall Street and old friends.
[Di Dongsheng speaking non-English; subtitles] We know that the Trump administration is fighting a trade war with us. So why are we having trouble with Trump, when we were able to handle all kinds of problems between China and the United States from 1992 to 2016? Right? Have you realized that all crises, whether it’s the Yinhe incident, bombing of the embassy or plane collision, All incidents were settled within two months. What was the reason? I want to throw out a violent argument: it’s because we have people high above. We have our old friends in the United States’ core circle of power.
Let me put it this way, in 2015, when general secretary Xi visited the U.S. We know that all systems involved would help to warm things up before he arrived in the United States, right? Then, a certain system of our Party helped him warm up by setting up public opinion. In terms of public opinion, it was for the publication of the first English-language edition of [—]
Before he arrives, we’ll hold press conferences to help him build momentum [—]
Later, I asked which author had booked that time. What does that mean? “There is nothing in the world that money can’t fix,” right? If one wad of cash can’t handle it, then I’ll have two wads. Of course this is how I do things. If you do, give applause. [Applause]
In fact, to be a bit blunt, in the past 30 years, or the past 40 years, we manipulated the core power circle in the United States, right? I mentioned earlier that Wall Street started to have a very strong influence on U.S. domestic and foreign affairs in the 1970s. So we figured out our path and those we could be dependent on.
But the problem is that Wall Street’s status has declined after 2008. More importantly, starting in 2016, Wall Street has no influence on Trump. Why? It is awkward. Trump had a soft breach of contract on Wall Street once, so the two sides had conflicts. They (Wall Street) tried to help during the Sino-US trade war. As far as I know, friends from the U.S. told me that they tried to help, but they were too weak.
But now we see that Biden has come to power. The traditional elites, political elites, and the establishment has a very close relationship with Wall Street. You all see it: Trump talked about Biden’s son, “You have investment funds around the world.” Who helped him build the funds? You understand? There are transactions involved.
So at this point of time, we use an appropriate way to express a certain kind of goodwill. My personal understanding, limited by my profession, is that we understand this matter from the perspective of international political economy. I think there’s strategic and political value in it.
[narrator] The speaker is Dr. Di Dongsheng, vice director and secretary of the Center for Foreign Strategic Studies of China, and vice dean of the School of International Relations, Renmin University of China, and a member of Xi Jinping’s brain trust.
Di Dongsheng — Associate Dean at Renmin University of China —
“We have old Friends in the US… There is nothing in the world that money can’t fix. If one wad of cash can’t handle it, then I’ll have two wads. Of course, this is how I do things… In the past 30–40 years, we manipulated the core power circle in the United States.”
- REAL FORENSIC EVIDENCE — From “Absolute Proof” film by Mike Lindell
Audio Transcription
[Foster] Wouldn't it be great if we actually had real forensic evidence?
Well, there have been some amazing, brilliant hackers out there who were anticipating this, and they set a trap, and they have been collecting the evidence.
And they asked a couple of billionaires to help them complete this project and get it out. And that was Patrick Byrne, former CEO of Overstock.com, and Mike Lindell. Many of you have probably seen him on TV selling pillows.
Well, they’re both very strong patriots. They don’t want to see the United States go down. They don’t want to see the world become a totalitarian state. And so they have thrown in a lot of time, a lot of money, and a lot of risk to find the evidence and then to get this word out.
So the second film in this series to come out after Joshua Phillips was Mike Lindell’s one called Absolute Proof.
So I want to show you some clips now from Absolute Proof.
[Mike Lindell] Hello, everyone. This is Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow.
As you all know, I have been attacked the last month relentlessly on social media, by newspapers, by TV shows, by you name it, I’ve been attacked. And myself, not just myself, but my company, the boycotts that are going on, box stores are dropping me. Social media, they cancel my Twitter. Today, they cancel MyPillow’s Twitter account, my company’s Twitter account.
Well, before I was going to get erased completely, we put together this show. And what you’re going to see today is what they don’t want you to see.
Well, everyone, this is the moment you’ve all been waiting for. What you’re going to see now is 100% proof that we had upon our country the biggest cyber attack in history.
And I’m going to bring on Mary Fanning to explain how it all happened and show you the 100% proof. Mary, thanks for coming on.
[Mary Fanning] Thanks, Mike.
Today, we’ve been watching cybersecurity experts, and they’ve explained some of the things that happened in the election, some of the election fraud.
But what we’re seeing here is, if you look at this chart, is that there were cybersecurity experts who began collecting information on November 1st.
And so this was before, during, and after the election that they were collecting documentation. In fact, they collected terabytes of information that document the election fraud before an intrusion into our election.
This was collected in 2,995 counties in the United States. This was collected in real time.
So if you go to the chart, what you will see is a documentation of foreign interference in the election.
The first column, if you look at the chart, that shows that on 11/5/2020, it’s 7:43 and 38 seconds. We had a foreign intrusion, and it shows the IP address, the internet protocol address. That is the number of that protocol address of the hacker that entered into our election.
The second column is the owner or source of that IP address. That shows the ChinaNet in Beijing province entered the election. It shows an ID. That is the unique address of a computer. That shows the exact computer using that IP source that entered into our election.
The next is the target. That's the IP target. That’s the internet protocol address of the target. All right?
Then the next is the target state. In this case, it shows that it’s Michigan. Where in Michigan? That’s the next column. It shows that it’s in Emmett County, Michigan.
Then the ID target. That is the unique address of another computer in the United States that the hacker has gone into. And then it shows the method of intrusion.
Now, on some cases, you're going to see that they use credentials. That means that they have fake credentials because there were administrators that had been placed on the Secretary of State’s computers, false administrators.
In other cases, it shows that they broke through the firewall. In some cases, they did both.
Now, in the next column, it shows whether it was successful. You’ll see a Y. That shows that, yes, it was successful. Now, oftentimes, they're not successful, and they have to go back and try for another intrusion. And then it shows whether that's, in fact, successful as well.
Then in the final column, what you’re seeing are votes changed. Now, in this particular case, when they went into Emmett County, Michigan, the votes that were changed was they stole 3,477 votes from Donald Trump. That’s what you’re looking at.
Now, as you go through this document and you look at all the multiple intrusions into our election, what you’ll notice is that over 60% of these intrusions come from China. So that is over 66% is what the number is. Over 66% of the intrusions into our election came from China.
[Mike Lindell] Well, this is what I’ve been telling everyone. This is where you’ve got, if you add these numbers up, when I said—and I actually told the president when I met with them—I said, you know, you actually won this election by almost 80 million votes for you for Donald Trump to about 68 million for Biden. And that’s not counting all the other kind of theft we talked about earlier in the show.
[Foster] OK, so fasten your seat belts for this next one. This was the one that really put me over the top.
[Mary Fanning] Well, the video, what you are watching is the surveillance system. In fact, this is the very surveillance system that was built by people inside this country within the cybersecurity battle space that built some of these tools that were built to keep this country safe.
But what you’re watching is that every line on that drawing, all those moving lines, they represent the IP addresses of what I just showed you on the chart.
So when you understand the hacker’s IP address and the IP address of the target and the votes that were stolen, every one of those lines that you’re watching move across the chart and showing whether they were successful and how many votes they stole. That documents that.
Every red line, as they turn red, as they finish stealing the vote, basically, the red lines are all China.
So what you’re seeing are the actual files being received and sent. That’s a documentation of the real-time theft of our elections.
What you’re watching is those objects moving are the actual files that are being received and sent.
[investigator] These are the squares here that are being sent.
[Mike Lindell] So everybody out there, what you’re looking at, I mean, this is the proof.
So if like Antrim County, that case still open, you just go, here you go. Now you know who did it, how many votes flipped, when they did it, what time they did it, the computer it came from, the country that attacked us.
I mean, this is what I have been excited about. And I only seen one—you know, Mary, I only seen one little line of that which showed the IP address, all that stuff that you’re showing us.
When I found out that you had it forever, or that we had it, with all these people had this for every single vote, every single attack, and whether it was successful or not.
And now we have with us Terry Turchi. He’s the former deputy assistant director of Counterterrorism Division of the FBI.
And you know, Terry, welcome to the show.
[Terry Turchi] Thanks, Mike.
[Mike Lindell] And we’ve just shown everybody in the world 100% evidence that this was an attack on our country and is still under attack by China and other countries through the use of these machines used in our election.
I want to ask you, where was the FBI—people out there wondering, where’s the FBI or the DOJ during this whole time, these last few months?
[Terry Turchi] Sure. Well, you know, a lot of former FBI agents are asking that too, as well, Mike. They’re asking, where’s the FBI been? They’re responsible and accountable for trying to protect the country. That’s what our counterintelligence money is all about. That’s what our Counterintelligence Division is all about.
And yet the question of where were they and where are they, I think probably could best be explained like this. The FBI has most likely been as compromised as the Democratic Party and the rest of the government.
[Foster] And I want to say on a personal note that the very first county that Mary Fanning pointed out at the top of that data sheet was Emmett County, Michigan.
I’m literally watching this at midnight one night, the first time that this film came out. And I just was like goosebumps all over my body. That’s the little county where my family has had a cottage on Lake Michigan for about 130 years.
And to think that they actually started it right there in Emmett County, Michigan was amazing. And then later on, you’ll see one where they focused on Hamilton County, Ohio, which is where I grew up.
So I’m taking this kind of personally as well as on a meta scale.
OK, I’m going to go on to another film that Mike came out with after this one. The first one was Absolute Proof. The second one is called Absolute Interference.
He just brings on experts who are explaining different aspects of the forensic evidence that they have collected, each in their own way, oftentimes not even knowing each other.
[expert] When I use the word algorithm, it’s a simple way to understand that is it’s just like a recipe, right?
It’s a set of steps, a set of measurements, two teaspoons, whatever. But it’s not just numbers. It’s also got some steps involved.
And so that’s what I figured. I figured, how are they doing this?
So the first thing you need to understand is that every county in the United States has what they call a registration database. It’s got the names. It’s got when they were registered, when they were born. And it’s also got their entire voter history.
So you can—for example, this last column is November 3rd election. So everybody who voted in the November 3rd election has a little X here.
But you notice a lot of people didn’t vote. Look, here’s a person. In fact, they shouldn’t be on the rolls legally. But there they are. Boom, they voted.
And here’s one. Never voted at all.
[Mike Lindell] Wow.
[expert] So they’re on the rolls, though.
So the first thing you do—think of it like a credit line. You need to fill up the registration so you have more registrations than you need.
[Mike Lindell] Right.
[expert] Then you fill in the ballots to get the outcome that you want. And all you have to do is control one number, and you can control the whole election.
[Foster] All you have to do is control one number, and you can control the whole election.
[expert] We predicted, out of the 1,600 doors we knocked on, we predicted we would find 30% of the houses would have at least one phantom voter. Phantom voter is like you knock on the door, and it says on the list that John Smith lives there.
[Mike Lindell] Right.
[expert] And you have a ballot from John Smith, right? You have an X.
[Mike Lindell] Right.
[expert] But no John Smith lives there.
[Mike Lindell] Right.
[expert] And so—
[Mike Lindell] So they’re using people that don’t exist, but they’re registering them to use for their algorithms in the machines.
[expert] Exactly. Because if you think about it, after the election, what if the election’s challenged? Somebody’s going to count ballots.
[Mike Lindell] Right.
[expert] You better have registrations, and you better have ballots.
[Mike Lindell] So that they match up.
[expert] Yes. So you have to control it, don’t you? But the thing about it is the country’s big. You can’t have a million people sitting in computers controlling this.
So you have to have some algorithm, some set of steps, that computers can run automatically to control it. That’s what I figured out.
[—] We predicted, out of the 1,600 doors we knocked on, we predicted we would find 30% of the houses would have at least one phantom voter. Phantom voter is like, you knock on the door and [—]
Look at how the details are mirrored.
[Mike Lindell] Right.
[expert] I mean, the shape of the registration is mirrored—
[Mike Lindell] Yes, exactly.
[expert] —in the ballot.
[Mike Lindell] This is—
[expert] I’ll make it obvious for you.
[Mike Lindell] Wow.
[expert] I’ll make it obvious.
[Mike Lindell] Everybody look at this.
[expert] Yeah.
[Mike Lindell] This is what—it didn’t matter who you voted for, what you did.
[expert] No.
[Mike Lindell] They did it for you. This attack on our country by foreign interference, foreign actors coming in, and with domestic actors, too. Because it had to be pre-programmed, right?
[expert] Yep.
[Mike Lindell] They had to—remember, they had to be—it had to be planned. They had to be online. And then they had to be online afterwards.
[expert] Before, during, and after.
[Mike Lindell] Before, during, and after. And this is 100% proof that this happened.
And this is Ohio, but you’re finding every place you’re checking.
[expert] I did all 88 counties in Ohio perfectly. I can predict everyone will show you how to make it.
[Mike Lindell] All 88 counties in Ohio.
[expert] Yeah.
[John] We found that at the precinct levels, they were connected to the Internet. And TCL was one of the IP addresses that we traced back to China during the steal.
In fact, Mike, TCL accessed over 150 election servers in 14 different states, including multiple secretary of state networks, according to my data that I collected and other corroborating sources.
[Mike Lindell] So what you're saying, John, this actually even shows more evidence of a state-owned company right out of China attacking us directly through the secretaries of state, their computers, the machines using these cell phones that were owned by China as Internet devices.
[John] Mike, what we’re saying is we have verified connection to the polling pads with China by this TCL flip-flop.
We also have the absolute proof of interference by the fact that we have transmissions that go back to this Chinese state owned company, TCL.
We have the absolute proof of their incursion, their illegal incursion into 150 election servers in 14 different states, including multiple secretary of state offices.
China chose Biden, not the American people.
[Foster] China chose Biden, not the American people.
[Mike Lindell] General McInerney, what happened to our country on January—or on November 3?
[General McInerney] Well, we had the most massive cyber warfare attack, Mike, in history on our electoral system. It’s never been anything of that magnitude.
We have precise examples and evidence for the Supreme Court and any other court in the whole world. It is very precise.
And it shows the magnitude led by the Chinese Communist Party as a foreign entity.
[Mike Lindell] And these machines now allowing for this foreign interference. We went all the way back to Venezuela when the machines first came in. And it took only two years for them to completely take Venezuela.
I think it’s all getting shown to everyone that what communism and socialism is like now with their cancel culture, taking away our free speech, and all this, and taking away our freedoms.
What an easier way to do it, like you said, with introducing a virus, a pandemic that’s going to keep everybody, take our freedoms away, and once again, put fear into everybody. They have a world agenda, don’t they?
[General McInerney] Absolutely. It’s a global agenda. They demonstrated what they did to the global economy, and then specifically, the leader in national security in the world was the United States. And look who they put in.
And as you said, socialism is the front door to communism. And Venezuela’s seen it, they’re using the same model, Mike.
And it’s your leadership that has enabled us to put Absolute Proof together, and get Brandon Howes, and Mary Fanning, and all these people, Colonel Phil, to show the American people what has happened to them. And they’ve got to take their country back.
[Foster] So I want to just point out, before we go on to the next one, just a reminder that there’s a lot of spotlight being put on China here. And this is not China the country. This is not the Chinese people.
This is the Chinese Communist Party in cahoots with the global elite, the New World Order, worldwide.
They just happen to be—that China happens to be the enforcement arm, the chosen superpower of the New World Order, because there's too many freedom fighters in the U.S.
The Chinese model, as we pointed out with a quote from David Rockefeller in THRIVE 1, David Rockefeller loves the Chinese model, because it narrows the power down for the few elites who can control everyone else. And you can privatize the profits and socialize the losses.
OK, we’re going to go on to Mike’s next film, which just came out recently. It’s called Absolutely 9-0.
And it has to do with the—he's looking forward to presenting this to the Supreme Court.
[Mike Lindell] This is what I’ve been telling everybody for months now, since January 9. These are the actual evidence that was collected the night of the election and a couple of days following.
Now, I can’t read these, and neither can anyone else that’s probably watching, unless you’re an expert, like you guys are.
[investigator] One more piece to that is you can’t go back in time and fake a PCAP, essentially. You have to capture that packet in real time. So you need to record it. You don’t go backwards and recreate this whole chain of events. It happens, and you record it.
[Mike Lindell] Right. So OK, that's a great point.
So what he’s saying there, everyone, is you can’t go back in time and say, OK, I’m going to make these up. And also, you can’t go back and change anything, right? Once you—if you have these PCAPs, you can’t go change them?
It’s a blessing. We have them. If we didn’t have them, everything—the evidence would be long gone, correct?
[investigator] Yeah, it would definitely be gone. And luckily, somebody pressed record during the entire election.
[Foster] So you need to get familiar with this word PCAP. It’s short for packet captures. And this is the key to the whole thing. This is the basis of the forensic evidence at the industrial scale fraud level.
And thank goodness somebody did this ahead of time and turned it on before, during, and after. Because it’s like if you were an investigator on a crime scene, you’re looking around for some sort of indisputable forensic evidence.
Look at this next one.
[Mike Lindell] Because I wanted every—I was very particular, wasn’t I? I wanted every little thing validated and 100% foolproof.
And these were the five states. These were five states—Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia.
OK, so now what I want to do is bring up the data that you took the PCAPs and translated it for us and showed just these 20 attacks exactly what these PCAP show that we can all read.
On the first line, if we start on the top here, this was from—if we look at the date, it’s 11/3/20, the day of the election, at 10:49 PM.
Can you go ahead and take us through this? When you talk about the source, and take us through us line by line and explain what this is.
[investigator] Yeah, so the source is the IP address from the computer that essentially changed that vote.
So since we focused on the 20, each one of these resulted in votes being changed. So that’s the source.
Latitude and logitude is essentially within 400 yards of where that device is located. Beijing, obviously China, province city.
And then this next part is the network that was pulled out of the PCAP, essentially. But some of this isn’t Chinese. So when you translate it, you just want to make sure.
And as you’ve asked us to do, double, triple, quadruple, validate. So we’ve been going through, making sure the translations and all the information checks out.
[Mike Lindell] So what he’s saying here, everybody, is what I did, is I made them all validate the validation. Isn’t that correct?
[investigator] Yeah, so because we’re dealing with other languages, we validated the validation that was validated.
[Mike Lindell] So the next line there, which is the network code, what would that be?
[investigator] Yeah, so that’s essentially from the registration of that IP. So most every single IP is registered to somebody. So when you look at that network, that network range, and identify who the registered owner is. So that’s where it comes up.
[Mike Lindell] OK, so you got all of this information from the PCAPs. Is that correct?
[investigator] Yeah.
[Mike Lindell] The next line, it says target. Now, we just went through, which would be the hacker or the attacker, so to speak, correct? And now we’re going to get into the target, which is, I guess I could pull that out, the target. That’s the target. Would that be the target’s IP address?
And then again, the logitude, latitude, and the state that it was hacked into, correct?
[investigator] Yep.
[Mike Lindell] And then we have the entry point. There's Delta County here in this case, and then the network registration.
So the network registration, that also—all this stuff came right out of the PCAPs that's preserved in time. You can’t change it. And when you have it, it’s 100%. It’s non-negotiable. It’s not—there’s no—I mean, here it is. This is what it is. Is that correct?
[investigator] Yeah. I think we were saying that this isn’t subjective. It just is what it is, in fact. The information speaks for itself. And you go from there.
[Mike Lindell] So before we go to the last couple of lines, I want to ask you this. If you are going to prove a case, a cyber case, a cyber attack, and if you had a wish list—like, let’s say, obviously, when I came to you and said—and others and said, hey, I have something that’s really going to change the world, it’s going to be—these guys brought me these—I didn’t know they were called PCAPs at the time. But I knew they were from the night of the election. What would you say if you could have your wish list to 100% prove something? Is this what it would be? What would it be in a cyber attack?
[investigator] Yeah. This is 100%. I mean—
[Mike Lindell] This is what you would want?
[investigator] Yeah. A lot of times, you come in—in our line of work, we get called in after the attack.
So this was something that was captured during the attack. You always want that.
You want to catch somebody—yeah, you want to catch somebody who’s robbing a bank, you want to have it on video. That’s definitive evidence.
This is robbing the bank and having it on video.
[Foster] Robbing the bank and having it on video.
[investigator] It’s irrefutable.
[Mike Lindell] Irrefutable.
[investigator] That’s the word.
[Mike Lindell] Irrefutable. And it’s not subjective, right? I mean, this is—
[investigator] Not at all. Yeah, it’s blood—sometimes you have little specks of blood, right? Versus a bucket of it.
[Mike Lindell] Wow. That’s awesome. Now everybody knows why I’ve had the confidence I’ve had over the last couple of months.
And now I want to show you—I want to show everybody what—just remember, these are just 20 of the hacks, everybody, out of thousands that China orchestrated.
And so whether you’re a Democrat or Republican, this is the most serious thing that’s ever happened. This is the biggest crime against our country and humanity I could think of ever.
[Foster] So let that sink in, that a crime scene investigator would love to find a few drops of blood. And this investigator is saying that these packet captures constitute a bucket of blood.
So will the Supreme Court hear it? It’s going to be awful hard not to.
Will the mainstream media cover it? It’s going to be awfully hard not to.
Does anyone else think that these machines are suspect? Well, even the Democrats.
[Sen. Ron Wyden] 43% of American voters use voting machines that researchers have found have serious security flaws, including back doors. These companies are accountable to no one. They won’t answer basic questions about their cybersecurity practices. And the biggest companies won’t answer any questions at all.
Five states have no paper trail. And that means there is no way to prove the numbers the voting machines put out are legitimate. So much for Cybersecurity 101.
[J. Alex Halderman] I know America’s voting machines are vulnerable because my colleagues and I have hacked them repeatedly.
We’ve created attacks that can spread from machine to machine like a computer virus and silently change election outcomes. And in every single case, we’ve found ways for attackers to sabotage machines and to steal votes.
[Foster] Interestingly enough, the person who really predicted this publicly ahead of time was Bernie Sanders because it had already happened to him in the Democratic primary. And I don’t have that clip right now, but it’s in the preview of one of these films. And you’ll see it all over the place.
Bernie actually says that the voting integrity situation is so bad. He said, you watch. He said, in this upcoming election, people will go to sleep thinking that Trump won. And they’ll wake up in the morning to hear that Biden was victorious.
So I want to go on to a different set of films now. And this is the work of Patrick Byrne. As I said, he’s the former CEO of Overstock.com. He’s a super courageous guy who’s been, again, banned, threatened, all of this stuff. But he’s just been a relentless justice seeker all of his life.
And so he’s gone after this. And he just came out with a film a week ago called Deep Rig. He’s got a book. You should read the book Deep Rig. And then this film goes over the same material but brings a lot of it alive in real time and so forth.
So let me go on to Patrick Byrne’s Deep Rig.
[speaker] I wanted to figure out what was really going on and why would they write these things about us if it wasn’t true.
And so we dug into it a little bit and started figuring out that these journalists were not actually journalists. They were Antifa activists.
So as a result of that, I set out to figure out who the Antifa activists were. And then as the story goes, that’s when I discovered Eric Coomer.
[news reporter] The top executive with Dominion is now suing the Trump campaign. The lawsuit saying this, in part, “Defendants knowingly circulated and amplified a baseless conspiracy theory to challenge the integrity of the presidential election.”
[interviewee] For security reasons for both myself and my colleagues, I am currently on leave from my position. So I am not working. I’m still employed with the company, but I am on leave due to the security concerns.
[speaker] So in September of 2020, I set out to infiltrate Antifa. And I did.
So I met a guy that was a part of Antifa. And he said, I got to figure out a way to get out. But I’m too deep into the process.
So I said, the first thing that could happen is we could dismantle it. And the easy way to dismantle it is to uncover who’s actually running Antifa.
So he got me on a phone call. They were talking about how they needed to fortify and continue to do the things that they were doing, not just in Colorado Springs, but in Denver and all over Colorado. And a guy named Eric started speaking.
And when Eric started speaking, he started talking again about how they needed to fortify, not give up.
They asked, who is Eric? Who’s Eric? And somebody came back and said, oh, Eric’s a Dominion guy.
As he continued to speak, somebody else interrupted him and said, hey, what are we going to do if Trump wins?
And he responded, “Don't worry about the election. Trump’s not going to win. I made fucking sure of it.”
[Foster] This is the CEO of Dominion Voting Systems saying, “Trump’s not going to win. I made fucking sure of it.”
It’s rare that we get these actual glimpses behind the scenes.
[Phil Waldron] Hi, I’m Phil Waldron, retired Army. And I was a part of the investigation team that looked into irregularities in the 2020 general elections.
I testified right after the video in the arena that came out that showed, boom, we’re shutting down. There’s a water main leak. We’re trying to not be a toilet leak.
Everybody was kicked out. Boom, we’re bringing out the ballots.
And so they brought out the stuff underneath the table. And you can watch in the security video, which obviously they didn’t know were there.
They were running the ballots through, same ballots through time and time again.
So that was the one that we got the video of. There were 30 other precincts that we didn't get the video of.
The UN would probably decertify our election. They would say that the 2005 Iraqi elections, which I was there for, were more secure than the 2020 U.S. elections.
[speaker] The way in which big tech, the mainstream media, and the Democratic Party have acted post the election, where the big tech in particular, if you mention in a tweet election fraud, they would quickly shut you down. They’d unconnect you from Twitter or shut your Facebook page down or whatever.
And the media constantly using the word baseless conspiracy theory about election fraud.
[news reporter] In a 46-minute video shot by the White House and without press in the room, the president doubling down on his unsubstantiated claims of widespread voter fraud.
[reporter] Repeating his baseless claims that the election was a fraud.
[reporter] Despite these baseless claims of voter fraud.
[reporter] As he makes these baseless claims about fraud.
[reporter] All of them backing the president’s unsubstantiated claims of widespread voter fraud.
[Neil Cavuto] I can’t in good countenance continue showing you this. I want to make sure that maybe they do have something to back that up. But that’s an explosive charge to make.
[speaker] There’s no way that that can’t be a coordinated effort.
There’s no way that an election takes place, that much fraud is perpetrated, and the media immediately starts calling it as conspiracy theory, within hours.
“Packet Captures” — Terabytes of documented proof, collected in real time documenting foreign interference in the American election. IP addresses, who did it, voting data illegally put on Internet, sent to countries like China, South Korea, Ukraine and Italy, exact number of votes changed.
“At most crime scenes, sometimes you have a few specks of blood. In the case of this election fraud, we have buckets.”
- Patrick Byrne — The Deep Rig film
[This clip is also present near the end of the previous clip; you may skip it if you’ve already watched the entire previous clip.]
Audio Transcription
[speaker] I wanted to figure out what was really going on and why would they write these things about us if it wasn’t true.
And so we dug into it a little bit and started figuring out that these journalists were not actually journalists, they were Antifa activists.
So as a result of that, I set out to figure out who the Antifa activists were and then as the story goes, that’s when I discovered Eric Coomer.
[news reporter] The top executive with Dominion is now suing the Trump campaign. The lawsuit saying this, in part, “Defendants knowingly circulated and amplified a baseless conspiracy theory to challenge the integrity of the presidential election.”
[interviewee] For security reasons for both myself and my colleagues, I am currently on leave from my position so I am not working. I’m still employed with the company but I am on leave due to the security concerns.
[speaker] So in September of 2020, I set out to infiltrate Antifa and I did.
So I met a guy that was a part of Antifa and he said, “I gotta figure out a way to get out but I’m too deep into the process.”
So I said the first thing that could happen is we could dismantle it and the easy way to dismantle it is to uncover who’s actually running Antifa.
So he got me on a phone call. They were talking about how they needed to fortify and continue to do the things that they were doing, not just in Colorado Springs but in Denver and all over Colorado.
And a guy named Eric started speaking. And when Eric started speaking, he started talking again about how they needed to fortify, not give up.
They asked who is Eric. Who’s Eric? And somebody came back and said, “Oh, Eric’s a Dominion guy.”
As he continued to speak, somebody else interrupted him and said, “Hey, what are we gonna do if Trump wins?”
And he responded, “Don’t worry about the election. Trump’s not gonna win. I made fucking sure of it.”
- Eric Coomer, Dominion CEO assures Antifa the election rig is in
Audio Transcription
[speaker] The hand of the puppet is a cabal that’s based off Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. And it is Sorosian money.
And we always said in the counter-terrorism game, General Stanley McChrystal, General Flynn, who was his chief intel officer for years and years, that it takes a network to defeat a network.
[Foster] Takes a network to defeat a network.
[Jovan Hutton Pulitzer] You know, one of the first signs throughout history of a country being destroyed is the media and the government withholding information from you. Quite possibly, this is the very first time you’ve viewed the evidence.

“It takes a network to defeat a network…”
“One of the first signs throughout history of a country being destroyed is the media and the government withholding information from you.”